sport world

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Formula 1 - Drivers Title Vs Constructors Championship

Formula 1 last race of the season was the Brazilian Grand Prix in Sao Paulo this past weekend and as last year, the battle scene for the two titles was at play: the driver's title and constructor's championship. In the 2007 season, McLaren Mercedes Lewis Hamilton and Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen were on a constant encounter throughout the season. This 2008, Lewis Hamilton was still the man aiming for victory, but Ferraris new superstar Felipe Massa wanted to make history and take sovereignty over both titles. Hamilton had a seven point lead on the table on his favor over Massa and the stats certainly give him the title at first hand. A fifth position or better was the goal for the McLaren team, leaving aside how well Massa could do.
Lewis Hamilton started the Brazilian Grand Prix focusing on a two aspects; avoiding mistakes and staying on the top 5 the entire race. Nature once again played an important role on the contest, the 50% chance of rain left no doubt this title was going to be for the best driver under extreme conditions. Hamilton proved on the last lap he is not only the youngest champion in Formula One history, but his driving skills under a track with poor visibility, proved he has what it takes to overcome adversities.
Felipe Massa did exactly what he predicted before the chase and focused to stay on the lead the entire race. The Brazilian driver left tears on the 70 thousand fans that supported him non-stop the entire competition, but unfortunately even thou he won; the point difference paid the bill on Hamilton's favor.
The driver's title is given to the best pilot with superlative driving skills; this means a driver must finish the race avoiding errors such as accidents, being able to stay in position while the pace car is on the track, willing to sacrifice ego and most of all become pressures best friend. Lewis Hamilton put all of these conditions in order and was able to complete the toughest race of his life.
Aside from the driver's title, the controversy stirred up after the race as many stated the constructor's championship was what really counted at the end. Now, engine combinations are considered to be the constructors' purposes of the Championship, so basically they are calculated by totaling points scored in each race by any driver for that manufacturer. This statement put's an end to the debate, as it is the driver and his skills the ones who set the constructors on the map.
Lewis Hamilton and Felipe Massa have undergone a very long voyage full with personal sacrifices. Both drivers seemed to be blessed with great driving control, decision and fortune. Bottom line here is both pilots are awesome drivers and their teams have built the ultimate racing jets, so there is no debate if one won the drivers title and the other one the constructors championship; they can wake up tomorrow knowing they left a glorious print in one of the worlds most extreme sports, The Formula One.

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Why Soccer is the Most Popular Sport in the World

Except the USA and a few other countries, Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. How and why this ball game has become so popular?
The first reason is tradition - in many countries over the years, many rivalry, traditions and community relevance were raised. A lot of soccer clubs has fans with the same religion, political opinions or history. This is why for those people it is much more than a game - it is about tradition, dignity, pride, joy and glory. Those fans share happiness, disappointments, wins, loses, joy and tears, Bad times on one hand and great times from the other.
Not like other ball games as basketball, Baseball, Handball etc... Soccer has a very few highlights peak during the game. Most of the matches have between 2-3 goals, and the game could turn around sometimes in 5 minutes. That's why Soccer seems to be more romantic than other sports.
In the Major countries, especially the less developed, you can see kids from very young age play with the ball trying to score goals. You can see the passion on their eyes, and the longing to the ball. You will not see them on the street playing volleyball or Tennis. Then they grow up and share the passion with their families and children.
In my onion, there is no beautiful sight in the sports world, like a joyful crowd after a goal in a crowded big stadium. Some researches even say the filling of a fan after his team scored a goal is equal to an orgasm during sex.
Because of the mentioned reasons and many more, Soccer is the most popular, exciting and fascinating Sport in The world.


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Three Must-Have Safety Supplies For Your Boat

Even if you only enjoy boating for recreational reasons, you are still required to have basic safety boat equipment onboard at all times. It's very important that you have certain, safe boat supplies with you while boating. So what type of safe boat supplies will you need? Well, they're all pretty obvious-life jackets, paddles, ladders, lights, rope and anchor, first aid kit, etc. There are some additional safety boat supplies that you should consider using, as well.
A VHF marine radio, for instance, should be equipped on your boat should the need ever arise for you to get a hold of someone during an emergency. VHF marine radios are equipped with Digital Selective Calling (DSC), so it will be very easy to you to call the Coast Guard or other boaters close to your area. You can either have a traditional VHF radio installed on your boat, or buy a handheld one. It's totally up to you, all that matters is that you have some way of getting a hold of help in times of distress.
Another good idea for boat equipment (and this may be obvious to some), is to have a GPS tracking device installed. This will make it easier for the Coast Guard to find you after you contact them with your VHF marine radio. A GPS device will alert the Coast Guard to your exact position so that they can find you as quickly as possible.
The third piece of extra safety boat equipment you need onboard is a Emergency Position Indicator Radio Beacon (EPIRB). If your boat begins to capsize or sink, the EPIRB will alert the Coast Guard.. They will then make you their top priority, and will use all of their resources to get to you. It will transmit a beacon to the Coast Guard, and they will pick it up as quickly as possible and send rescue your way.
by Elisha Westmen.

วันพุธที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Soccer Passing Skills

Along with dribbling, passing is going to be the single most important skill you will need to master in order to succeed at soccer. Out on the field a team's strength lies in its ability to present to the other team a single united front; the offense is nothing without the defense there to back them up if the other team breaks through their line, and the defense can't do very much without the offense there to help them move the ball out of their territory as quickly as possible. Since teamwork is such a vital part of soccer success there is going to be no room for showboating out on the field; one single person is not going to be guaranteed to be able to take the ball into the goal at any given point in time. You are going to have to be able to work with your teammates.
You are probably sitting there thinking, "What's so hard about kicking a ball to someone else?" The difficulty with proper passing is not getting it to the other person, it's maintaining control of the ball so that it goes precisely where you want it to go. Picture this: You are standing on the field, you have control of the ball and you are headed for your goal. The next thing you know you are rushed by four members of the opposing team. You need to get rid of the ball and you need to do it quickly; however, you can barely make out the other players on your team. You hear a shout, and a quick glance to the diagonal off of your shoulder reveals one of your own open and ready to receive the pass. The only problem with this picture is that you are going to have to slide it past two of their defense.
In this situation, which is going to be all too common when you get out on the field, you are going to have to hit a very small target while ensuring that the ball is traveling along a clean, smooth path at a speed high enough to ensure that it will be out of your custody before the other team has time to register what you have done-and you are going to have to do all of this while simultaneously running down the field, dribbling the ball and dodging your opponents.
Fortunately, the fact that you are already dribbling means that you are in the perfect position to pass the ball. Since you are already dribbling the ball off of your instep anyway, you always want to pass using your instep as well. Again, using the top of your foot will give you a little more distance, but your instep provides you with more control. You will be able to target your teammate and pass the ball without ever having to relinquish control.
When you practice passing at home be sure that you are practicing using the proper form. Choose a target off of any angle of your body and use the instep of the opposite foot to propel the ball. For example, if you were attempting to make a pass to a teammate who was at an immediate diagonal to your right as you were in the example above you would use the instep of your left foot to make the pass. If your teammate is directly to your left you would use the instep of your right foot to slide the ball on over. Using the opposing foot allows you to maintain your balance and your forward propulsion while making the pass, which will allow you to keep control of the ball at all times until it leaves your possession and may temporarily disorient the opposition focusing on you.

วันอังคารที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

A Quick Cure For Putting Woes

In resent years I have discovered a new technique that has taken 6 strokes off of my golf score. The amazing thing is that it's all about putting. I use to average 38 puts per round, now I average 32.
For years I have tried to improve my putting. I have taken lessons, bought the latest equipment, and experimented with different techniques. All most all of these helped to some degree, but then I would slip back to my 38 putt rounds.
Have you ever had the experience of trying out a new putter in the store that really seamed to work? Then when you got to the course it didn't perform any better then your old one. There is a reason for this phenomenon. You've heard the expression "this putter fits my eye". When you look down at the new putter blade for some reason the line to the hole looks clearer. This increases your confidence and you put a better stroke on the ball. Unfortunately after a period of time this goes away. You could continue to go out and buy new putters, but that will get expensive.
My discovery is a new putting stroke. In fact it's three new putting strokes. That's right I show up at the golf course with three putting strokes. I have no idea which one I'm going to use that day until I go to the practice green. I'm looking for that stroke that fits my eye. As you have seen by watching the pro's there are many ways and styles that can be effective. Here are my putting strokes.
#1 TRADITIONAL This stroke requires a relaxed fluid motion. Square up your body, use the rotation of your shoulders to stroke thru the ball and down the line. Grip should be loose. It is imperative to keep you head down and still. Another good checkpoint on this stroke is to have your head directly over the ball.
#2 CLOSED FACE I stumbled on this and man dose it work. The theory here is to address the ball and line up your putt. Now, close the face of your putter blade so its aiming 6 to 8 inches left of target. (This is a little firmer grip then normal). Now rotate your upper body to the right 9 (don't move your feet) until the blade is back in line with the target. This will give you a whole new look at the line.
#3 TOP SPIN I use this stroke on rough or bumpy greens a lot. Bend your knees and get lower to the ground. Take a short back swing and accelerate thru the ball with an upward stroke. This will put over spin on the ball and it will keep a truer track.
Traditional style is the style that most teaching pro's like. Its greatest asset is that it makes you use your large muscles (your shoulders). When your nerves are amped up your small muscles will fail you. It's imperative in all putting strokes to keep your wrists and hands still thru the stroke. The two other key essentials in any putting stroke are; your back swing must stay on line with the target and you must accelerate thru the ball.
Closed Face style is my favorite. It has two assets, the first one is a totally different view of the line, and the second is it's easier to keep your back swing on the line. This is a great cure for the yips.
Top Spin style is a must for rough or sanded greens. I live in the northwest and as you might imagine, our greens get a lot of rain in the winter. Don't get me wrong, I've used this stroke on fast greens, it just felt right for the day.
You may wonder if one stroke works better for short putts and one for long putts. My answer is no, but I have changed to another stroke in the middle of a round. You see its all about confidence. When I look down that line, I need to believe that putt will track to the hole.
Let's talk about the yips. I define them as an inability of your body to perform a task that your mind wants. We have all had the experience of standing over a 5 foot putt and our nerves blowing it for us. This becomes more apparent as we age. Our best defense against this disabling affliction is confidence. You can't think your way thru a putting stroke. You can't tell yourself how many inches to take your putter back and how hard to hit it, to make a 6 foot putt. It's all about feel and confidence.
How can you develop confidence? Have you ever gone to the driving range and counted the number of golfers hitting their driver? They want to see how far they can hit it. When I go to the range I use this drill. I pick a green or flag at about 115 yards out. I must hit 10 balls in a row on that green. If I hit 9 and then miss, I must start over. Only after I hit 10 in a row can I graduate to my next club. You can use this same drill in putting. Start out with 4 balls at 4 feet and then graduate to 5 feet. This will build consistency and confidence in your putting game.
Analyze your golf game. It is imperative that you know where you are now before you can improve. When you ask the guys in my group for their score on a hole, you will probably hear an answer like 42 or 31. The first number represents the score for the hole and the second number is their putts for that hole. Keep your cards and take an average of the last ten rounds to establish average number of putts per round.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Help With Golf Swing - Fighting in the Trenches!

Welcome to Help With Golf Swing Articles. Today I would like to cover some sand trap techniques that we can use to help us all in great game of golf. So let us get started.
You find yourself with a perfect form, staring down the Par 4 315 yard hole with a slight breeze. You just hit the best shot you've hit in a very long time, your follow through was perfect, head kept down, hips clicked. You say to yourself, "That show has I am a professional written all over it." All the sudden, you notice the ball landing on the fairway, and some brown thing in the distance pulling it with amazing force. Say it with me, "stupid sand trap!"
We've all been there, whether it's an amazing shot, or absolutely horrible, the sand trap owns every single golfer in the world. For some reason, it is my worst nightmare. You would not figure that a small sand trap way left of the hole would even be an issue, but long and behold, it ate my golf ball!
I'm sure every single person reading this article feels like I've been watching them on the course. Whoever decided to add the magnetic sand traps to the game of golf has me a little confused. But, since we can't keep from finding it all the time, I've got some tips that will help your visit to the sand trap much more pleasant.
1.) Hold your tongue. No, seriously, don't say what you're thinking. The moment you do, your emotions run wild and your focused is as good as gone. You need it to get out of the sand traps.
If You Are Hitting From A Wet or Shallow Sand Trap
1.) Set up on the golf ball like you normally do. Now, you want to do everything in your power to refrain from bouncing off the sand. Do this, take a dollar bill and place it under the golf ball. Practice hitting the ball and not moving the dollar bill. When the sand trap is wet, the dirt if packed tighter. If you take out the sand, there's a high chance for 1 of 2 things to happen. One being that you will balloon the golf ball, leaving your shot with little control or two, you won't make it out of the sand trap. That's so frustrating ... 2.) Keep your club head square, like usual. 3.) You want to the club head to start elevating 2 inches behind the ball. That will help with control and ball elevation. 4.) Don't sway left. Ever. Just, don't do it. That will cause all types of mistakes. 5.) Follow through.
For Normal Sand Trap Shot
1.) Line up with your feet spread apart. 2.) Keep your club head open. 3.) Don't sway left! 4.) Here, you're approach is going to be to hit the sand and not the ball. Got it? 5.) Ball should be lined up with front heel. 6.) Swing, hitting the sane 4 to 6 inches behind the ball. 7.) Practice on swinging through the ball rather than down. 8.) Follow through.
Fairway Bunker Shots
1.) Choose a club with plenty of loft to clear the lip of the bunker. 2.) You're going to need hit the ball a good distance, because you're probably more than 150 yards out, so ... This is where we really want to put that dollar under the golf ball swing into practice. 3.) Stand tall, and grip the club handle a couple of inches down. 4.) Don't bury your feet in the sand. 5.) Play the ball an inch back in you stance, this will help you hit the ball and not the sand. 6.) Keep the swing short and quiet. Not large swings, no lunges, no fancy stuff. Keep it smooth.
Go give these tips some practice, let's see if we can't help eliminate your bad days on the golf course with the sand traps.
Franklin Simpson has a CCNP for Cisco and also has an MCSA/MCSE for Microsoft Servers and is the founder of Help With Golf Swing Articles.


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

The Number of English Players in Premiership Football

In recent years, a trend has developed where overseas players have become a more cost effective option for English football clubs compared to signing home grown talent. This has led to an influx of foreign players into English football that has affected all four professional divisions.
The number of English players in premiership football has continued to fall significantly every year. The outstanding overseas players who play for premiership clubs surely improve the overall standard of football that is played in England. There is an argument that many foreign players of an average standard do not raise performance or skill levels. In some cases this can have an adverse effect.
Many years ago clubs invested heavily in creating football academies that were designed to nurture young talent. The concern within football circles is that too many foreign players of moderate ability will prevent our own youngsters from developing into professional footballers. This can lead to the appearances of home grown players to be restricted.
Some experts believe that accommodating too many players from overseas may also have a harmful effect on the national side. This particular argument always rears its head whenever England suffers poor results or disappointing tournaments.
There has been much debate on the possible introduction of a quota system that would limit the number of foreign players able to play in each game. This rule would ensure that a certain number of English players would play. There is also the option of a rule that would insist on the inclusion of a certain number of players from the United Kingdom which would include players from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Whether these rules would be legal is not clear at this stage.
Premiership football could point to the fact that large sums of money have been invested in signing overseas talent. Some clubs claim that English players of comparable quality are often priced out of their reach because they are in such short supply which feeds the trend of using the overseas transfer market in search of value for money.


วันเสาร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Golf Mental Game Strategies to Help You Shoot Low Scores Fast

Shooting low golf scores is a great challenge and few people ever learn how to break 80 never mind breaking 70. The mental game can play a big role in helping you to shoot really low scores especially if you already have good swing mechanics and a solid short game. Too many golfers do not have a plan mentally to approach the game and this costs them an unnecessary number of strokes each round. Here are some tips on the mental game that can help you play better golf:
Tip 1: Execute Proper Course Management
Most amateurs are very poor at managing a golf course and try to play the heroic shots that the commentators on television talk about and some of the professionals on tour like to hit from difficult situations. The best approach as far as course management is to have a conservative strategy but an aggressive swing. You need to know what you are capable of doing and play within yourself and only hit the high percentage shots. Do not let what other people in your group are doing influence your decision off the tee. Remember that your main competitor is the golf course itself and your goal is to post the lowest score you are capable of on that day.
Tip 2: Develop a Solid Pre Shot Routine
Having a good pre shot routine will help you to be a more consistent player since it will help to get you physically and mentally prepared for every shot. There are 2 aspects to the routine and they include the mental and physical routine. The mental routine is more important however a consistent physical routine can aid and support the mental routine also. Try to be flexible in your physical routine and allow yourself to take extra practice swings if necessary at times. The key aspect of the mental routine is how you think before you strike the ball.
It is important to clear your mind and focus only on the target when you swing the club. You need to trust that you have trained your swing enough on the range to be able to hit the ball well on the course. If you constantly think about swing mechanics then this will affect your ability to play well especially under pressure. Do not worry if you find your heart racing and even your hand shaking a little during a competition as this is normal and you should even try to enjoy it as it is simply a surge of adrenalin going through your system. Just look and react to your targets and this will allow you to hit the best shots in those situations.
Tip 3: Think Positive
You know you need to do this but most people have a bad habit of dwelling on their bad shots. This can really suck the enjoyment out the game so relax and even laugh a little when you find yourself hitting some bad shots. Remember that golf is a game of mistakes and then recovering from those mistakes as fast as possible. Try some of these golf mental game strategies to help you reduce your handicap faster.
by Joe Kensingtons


วันศุกร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Why You Need A Preshot Routine to Improve Your Golf Game

One thing I have noticed about professional golfers is they have a consistent preshot routine. The routines may very from golfer to golfer but they are each consistent with their own routine.
A preshot routine helps you prepare to hit a shot the same way every time. A consistent routine can help a golfer get comfortable and in a rhythm. However, another major benefit of a consistent preshot routine is it helps get you into the proper ball position and accurate alignment.
The routine I follow is almost the same as Fred Funk's routine. First, stand behind the ball and look, I mean really focus to where you want to hit the ball. While focusing on that point make a couple of easy practice swings to get loose and comfortable. This will help get rid of any nervousness you may have. Next, find a spot or some object on the ground between your ball and the spot where you want to hit the ball. This spot can be a broken tee, a divot, or even a leaf, as long as it is between you and the target. As you walk up to the ball, you can use that spot to square up you club head to where you want to hit the ball. Next, you need to place your back foot perpendicular to the target line. Next, bring in your front foot to get the desired ball position between your stance. Lastly, if necessary you can shift you back foot a little to correct the width of your stance.
Develop a routine that will become natural and automatic to you and you will make a step in the right direction in achieving a more consistent golf game and lowering your golf scores.
by Rick Byrd


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Controlling Your Distance on Bunker Shots

Most golfers try to control the distance they want to hit the ball with their length of backswing and swing speed. This is not the correct way to control distance of your bunker shots. Your speed can and will vary a little with each shot.
You control the distance of your bunker shots with the amount of loft you have on your sand wedge at impact. Notice I said at impact.
I divide greenside bunker shots into three lengths, short, medium, and long. For longer greenside bunker shots you should keep your clubface square to your target. For medium length greenside bunker shots you should open your club face 5 degrees. For short greenside bunker shots you should open your club face 10 degrees. When I refer to opening the club face you should turn the club open 5 or 10 degrees and then grip the club.
As for the swing, it does not matter how long the greenside bunker shot is, you should always make a full golf swing. Again, let the club face control the distance of your shots. Do not slow down your swing as you approach the sand. You need to accelerate all the way through to your follow-through.
I will tell now that you need to practice these shots. You will not be able to go out on the course and knock down all of these greenside bunker shots. Once you practice these shots you will be amazed at how much control you will have.
Remember, regardless of your distance you need to take a full swing at the golf ball.
by Rick Byrd


Why You Need A Preshot Routine to Improve Your Golf Game

One thing I have noticed about professional golfers is they have a consistent preshot routine. The routines may very from golfer to golfer but they are each consistent with their own routine.
A preshot routine helps you prepare to hit a shot the same way every time. A consistent routine can help a golfer get comfortable and in a rhythm. However, another major benefit of a consistent preshot routine is it helps get you into the proper ball position and accurate alignment.
The routine I follow is almost the same as Fred Funk's routine. First, stand behind the ball and look, I mean really focus to where you want to hit the ball. While focusing on that point make a couple of easy practice swings to get loose and comfortable. This will help get rid of any nervousness you may have. Next, find a spot or some object on the ground between your ball and the spot where you want to hit the ball. This spot can be a broken tee, a divot, or even a leaf, as long as it is between you and the target. As you walk up to the ball, you can use that spot to square up you club head to where you want to hit the ball. Next, you need to place your back foot perpendicular to the target line. Next, bring in your front foot to get the desired ball position between your stance. Lastly, if necessary you can shift you back foot a little to correct the width of your stance.
Develop a routine that will become natural and automatic to you and you will make a step in the right direction in achieving a more consistent golf game and lowering your golf scores.
by Rick Byrd


วันพุธที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

5 Tips to Help Your Plan For Those Par-3 Holes

Some people do not realize that the stakes are higher for par-3 holes than par-4 and par-5 holes. Think about it, hit the ball poorly and you can easily end up with a bogey, double bogey or even worse.
Many par-3 holes are harder than they seem. Many are surrounded by hazards that can cost you strokes if you hit into them.
Below are 5 tips that can help you play those par-3 holes:
Always use a tee
Use a divot hole
Use one more club
Take an easy swing
Aim for the fattest part of the green
Start by always using a tee, even if the tee is no higher than the turf. This will improve the ball contact and lessens the chance of catching to much of the grass behind the ball.
Use a divot hole to align your clubface and then align your body to the clubface.
Because there a many hazards on the par-3 holes you should take one more club than you typically use. By this I mean, if you are thinking of using a 9-iron, use an 8-iron instead. With the extra club you can take a more relaxed and easy swing. This also gives you the knowledge that you will be able to hit over any hazards at the front of the green.
Lastly, aim for the fattest part of the green. Aim for the part of the green that gives you the largest margin of error and chances are you will end up in good shape.
Remember that it does not take much to go from potential birdie to a bogey or double bogey on the par-3 holes. Follow the tips above and stay focused from the tee box and you will increase your chances of making a birdie and lowering your golf scores.
by Rick Byrd


วันอังคารที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Golf Driving Tips to Help You Hit the Ball Far and Straight

Driving the golf ball well can be a great challenge and requires mastery of basic swing mechanics as even the slightest deviation from a good swing can send the ball significantly off target. Also the fact that the driver is the longest club in the bag as far as length is concerned also makes the club more difficult to hit than the others in your bag. Here are some tips to help you hit straighter and longer drives:
Tip 1: Swing freely
Tension can ruin a great golf swing so make sure for every swing you are relaxed and simply grip it and rip it. This is mostly a mental challenge so you need to not get concerned about hitting a bad drive and tense up but instead just look at the targets and let the shot go without caring too much about immediate results. If you consistently are hitting bad shots then try to figure out quickly what you might be doing wrong but be sure to swing just as freely on the next drive off the tee.
Tip 2: Keep the right hand passive
If you are a right handed player it is very important to not get the right hand overly involved in the golf swing otherwise this can result in casting the club which can cause all kinds of problems including major loss of distance and accuracy. Use a light grip with the fingers of your left hand applying most of the pressure.
Tip 3: Use a light grip
There is no need to choke the club as that can add more tension to the swing and cause many swing flaws. Instead grip the club lightly and allow it to swing back and through fully. Using a light grip pressure also promotes greater use or leverage or lag which will help to increase club head speed and overall distance.
Tip 4: Get proper equipment for your swing type
If you swing the club at high club head speeds over 120mph then you need to get a stiff shaft or even super stiff and a loft of 8.5 degrees or 9 degrees. However if you have a club head speed under 100 mph then you need a regular flex shaft and a loft greater than 10 degrees to maximize the distance from your driver.
Tip 5: Stand the proper distance from the ball
Many new players like to use a baseball grip and extend their arms out too much which results in them standing farther from the ball than they should for optimal contact. The best grip for most players is the interlocking grip and the club should be gripped at a point where the arms would naturally hang to. This usually means the club is gripped fairly close to the body which promotes a steeper swing path however this is the ideal way to make the best contact. Consider implementing some of these simple golf driving tips to help you become a better ball striker more quickly.
by Joe Kensingtons


วันจันทร์ที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Unique Personalized Christmas Gifts for Him

The Christmas season is once again just around the corner. Maybe you need some unique gift ideas for him? Following is a list of Christmas gift ideas that are sure to be greatly enjoyed by the dad, uncle, grandpa, good friend, co-worker, boss, brother-in-law, cousin or father-in-law on your shopping list.
Personalized keepsake items are always fun and unique gift ideas. Items like: glass or ceramic coffee mugs, crystal or marble picture frames, leather wallet or checkbook cover, Swiss army knife, crystal or marble award/plaque, leather travel bags, passport cover or holder, jewelry, iPod or DVD/CD cases, funny T-shirts, hats and sweatshirts or crystal barware items like: decanter sets, glassware, carafes and other home bar essentials.
Also try these fun and unique gift ideas: personalized bar signs, fine art wall poster prints, banner/garden flags, gift baskets and smoking accessories like: a humidor box, holding case or cutter for the cigar lover. Best of all these gift items can all be personalized with names, dates, initials, even poems and famous sayings or quotes, depending upon the size and style of the item chosen.
Another unique group of gift ideas are as follows: grilling tool set, gardening tool set, maintenance tools, garage organizing items, a gift certificate to a favorite store and NFL sports memorabilia which comes in a large variety of items for the die hard sports fan. All these items are great ideas for every guy on your list, just match the right gift to the right guy and he'll not only enjoy his gift but also have something to look forward to as well.
Going out and doing fun stuff for a gift idea is always a big hit with him. Gifts like: a relaxing massage, a day at the spa, a weekend getaway with the family or the guys, hunting or fishing trip, tickets to a favorite concert, game or other event, a game of golf or tickets to an amusement park are all fun to both give and receive during the holiday season. You just have to pick which gift he would like best and watch his eyes light up when he opens his gift.
Another option is to have everybody go in together on a gift. Gift ideas like: a big screen TV, massage chair, iPod, blackberry, surround sound system, took box, power tools, laptop or computer and plane tickets for an event or vacation are all great gift ideas that can be out of reach for those sticking to a budget. When everybody split's the cost, you have the chance to get him one big gift that he's sure to love and enjoy.
This last group of gift ideas is a combination of all the different gift groups. Items like: cufflinks, flasks, shot glasses, valet trays, watch boxes, desk accessories like: nameplates, organizers, memo pad holders and pen sets or golf gifts like: a shoe bag, shadow box, a divot tool and ball marker and new clubs or wine gifts like: crystal glassware, carafes, stoppers and presentation boxes, plus leather toiletry bags or grooming kits can all be personalized and are something he can use, look forward to and will appreciate.
No matter who he is to you or what kind of man you are shopping for, remember to look around for the best deal possible. The internet is a great way to get both the quality you want and best price available when looking for that perfect Christmas present. So start looking early and find what you want, thus eliminating any last minute shopping stress.
Most importantly remember to find the gift that best fits his personality. Items that he can use, allow him to pursue his hobbies or can enjoy are always the best kind of gifts to give. Plus whether it's personalized Christmas gift or a fun and memorable vacation/getaway, you know he will love and cherish your unique gift for years to come.
by Gen Wright

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

A Golf School for the Best of the Best

Have you ever dreamt of becoming the next Tiger Woods or the next Karrie Webb? Have you gone to the golf range determined to be the best but never quite know how to become the best? Do not fret because help is now available for everyone and anyone who wants to turn their passion for golf into a successful career. A large number of golf academies and golf schools have emerged since the 1970s to help the golfer who works hard to change from an amateur to a professional, but finding the right golf school for you is the greater task at hand. has listed the top 25 schools in the US, according to a pre-determined criterion for judging. Scattered all over the US, these schools teach the best of the best from the best in the field. Some of these schools offer workshops, learning group programs, golf outings, private lessons and intensive courses.
What happens in each of these programs?
One-day programs are recommended for players in all levels, but especially with players in the beginning until intermediate level, because it teaches students the basics of playing golf. These programs are conducted by separating players into small groups with other players from their own playing level. This way, everybody's on level footing and nobody gets left behind. Depending on the arranged lessons, these programs can run from one day to two days to three days.
There are one-on-one programs or private instruction lessons, designed to improve the student's current level of performance. Depending on the school, these lessons are, most of the time, taught by a professional golfer. What to teach about golf and how to teach it to the student will be determined by his abilities and playing level. These programs are designed to help the golfer achieve that perfect swing and lower their score.
Big or small companies can also book golf outings at golf schools for their employees. Depending on the number of employees and their level of abilities and commitment in golf, golf schools and golf academy can design a program to fit their needs. These programs can provide clinics and small learning groups for the employees. Most golf academy even offers lodging so that employees be able to enjoy playing golf uninterrupted.
There are also golf schools that offer more intensive courses for golfers who want to turn their passion into a successful career. These are longer programs that cater to people who want to play golf for a living and want to work in the golf business. These are the people who want to specialize in golf operations and golf management. This mostly concentrates on the business side of golf and not just the professional game of golf.
Which one is best for you?
The best thing about a lot of these programs is that golf schools and golf academy do not put too many students in a program. This enables the instructor or teacher to concentrate on the issues of his every student and the student can concentrate on his playing game without having to compete for the attention of his instructor. Having low teacher to student ratios is important during your overall study of golf.
Have you chosen a golf school yet?
Another good thing about these schools is that a potential student does not have to worry about moving to the other side of the country to be able to attend a program at a specific golf school. Most golf academy has different locations all over the country, both on the East, West and all states in between.
No matter what golf school you decide on, you'll be sure to learn a lot from the professional golfers these schools have employed as instructors. To be the best, you have to learn from the professional golfers these schools have employed as instructors. To be the best, you have to learn from the best.
by Andy West


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

How Wholesale Golf Clubs Have Changed the Sport

One cannot help but admit that golf is a pricey sport. After all, no one can play golf without having the right equipment, for one thing. All golfers have no choice but to buy the correct golf clubs, as well as a golfing bag, golfing shoes, golf balls, and the list goes on. They even need those expensive branded clothing that are especially designed for walking around under the sun all day and swinging a club. Lastly, lessons are expensive, and so is using a golf course. Often, one needs to be a member of a club or a resort in order to be able to play. It is a good thing, though, that times are changing. Golf is becoming more affordable and thus accesible to many who have always wanted to try it out. Lessons are becoming cheaper (and are even offered to children now), and so is the equipment. Want proof? Wholesale golf clubs are revolutionizing the sport in the way that it is now possible for anyone (no matter what social class) to play!
What are wholesale golf clubs? Well, wholesale is the act of selling goods in big quantities, in order to be resold by retailers. That is what is done to golf clubs that are largely unsold by a certain company. They are bought by bulk by a smaller company at lower prices, so that the smaller company can resell them at around the same price they were bought for. That way, retailers can make money from buying golf clubs in bulk, and consumers get a nice opportunity to buy individual golf clubs at a cheaper price. The best part is that wholesale golf clubs still retain their topnotch quality, and become more affordable in the long run.
Wholesale golf clubs are not the only discounted golf equipment available. Sometimes, retailers end up reselling individual components too, so that anyone can even create their own custom golf club at affordable prices. This is particularly advantageous to those who wouldn't normally be able to afford the high costs of golfing equipment. Thanks to wholesale, golf is more accesible to everyone, and talent can now be discovered almost anywhere.
Discounted golf clubs have been available since the early nineties, but it is only now that the prices have decreased drastically. Retail companies that specialize in wholesale can easily be found as any golf equipment store nearby, and they can also be accessed online. One can easily order the wholesale golf club that they prefer, or they can buy component parts for cheap in order to create their own dream golf club. The quality is still excellent, and some companies even offer more customization opportunities: one can even brand their equipment with a personal or company logo.
It is thanks to wholesale golf clubs that the sport is now easily available to the masses. One will no longer need to worry about the costs too much, for golf clubs and other equipment are no longer items used exclusively by those who are rich. Getting a golf club, wholesale or not, means that one will be one step closer to becoming a master golfer.
by video.marketiwek


วันพุธที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Golf Bags - Choosing a Women's Bag

If you're looking for a women-specific golf bag follow this guide to choosing the right one for you
Women's Golf Bags: How to Choose One
Your golf bag is one of the most important pieces of equipment that you will buy for your game. You could have the most expensive and professional set of golf clubs, but if you don't have a good bag you won't be able to use them! The key thing to remember when choosing a golf bag is that it is there to help you protect your clubs as well as help you carry them around. So ensure the material is a high-quality, waterproof fabric, and that the bag is well padded. Women's golf bag designers are being much more creative with their products, so you can now choose your golf bag in pretty much any colour you like, from bright pink to olive green, or more traditional black or white. Some even come with matching rain hoods so you will look stylish as you stay dry. Many women's golf bags now come with their own stand, so you can set it up and have easy access to your clubs anywhere.
Women's Golf Bags: What to Pack in Yours
Whilst packing your golf bag, it is worth remembering that you will have to carry or pull it around a course for a few hours, so keep it to a minimum. These are just some ideas of what to pack in your golf bag:
•Golf Balls
Beginners will be looking to carry about 10-12 golf balls in their bag, whilst more experienced swingers should pack five or six.
•Golf Glove
You will need a good quality golf glove to help you grip your club and protect your hands (especially if you've recently treated yourself to a manicure!)
•Tools and Tees
Always carry a divot repair tool with you, and several different tees for your golf balls. These are so lightweight that you can afford to pack more than you need in your golf bag.
•Health & Safety Kit
During summer make sure you put a high protection sunscreen in your golf bag, and an umbrella and waterproof gear all-year round in case of rain. Band-aids are also handy in case of injury, and a bottle of water or isotonic drink is essential to keep you hydrated.
Women's Golf Bags: What the Pros Carry
If you need some inspiration of what to pack in your golf bag, this is the list of clubs that female champ Annika Sorenstam packed in her bag for the 2006 US Women's Open:
• Callaway Big Bertha Fusion
• Callaway X-Tour
• Callaway Steelhead X-18
• Callaway Forged+ 48°
• Callaway Forged+ 54°
• Nike Forged 60°
• Odyssey White Hot 2-Ball Blade
• Callaway HX Tour
Forgan Golf Established St Andrews in 1860. Get here complete range of golf bags, equipment, clubs and golf sets. Specialize in custom golf clubs fitting built and made. You can also learn how to built or fit your own golf clubs

by Duncan White


วันจันทร์ที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Golf Cages -Tips For Finding the Cage to Scratch Your Golf Itch

Golf cages can be a very effective way to improve your game quickly. Golf cages (also called netting) are just something that you hit the ball into, whether it be in your yard or house, and it catches the ball.
Therefore, you can take full swings in very small spaces, because you don't have to worry about the ball going very far. These come in very handy in the colder months when you can't play outdoors, and you don't want to wait in line at the indoor driving range, since everybody else will have the same idea.
A pretty simple concept, right? Of course, the idea is easy to understand, but finding the best golf cages can be another matter. Let's face it, there are so many for sale online and offline, finding the best one at an affordable price can be somewhat challenging.
Also, some of them can be quite difficult to install, and you obviously want one that is easy to get into the area you need it. Finally, you want to be sure you get one of that is the right size for the space you have available, as some are simply too big to be practical.
First of all, while the prices may vary tremendously from one cage to another, generally you can expect to pay around two hundred to three hundred dollars for a high quality cage. Many of them are around ten by ten by ten feet, although the sizes do vary as well.
To find the top golf cages, I would start out online, and do your search this way, as there will be many sites that come up who retail these. Be sure to measure the area you have available first, find out how much room you have available for the cage, and then confine your search to cages that are the right size for your home.
Don't ever order a cage before knowing it's size, as these are very difficult to send back, so be sure you have this right. I'd recommend you go to the local golf store and see which cages the experts there would recommend, just so you can know you are getting the best.
If you want to be extra sure you are getting the top quality, read reviews of the top golf cages online, and see which ones the experts recommend. These are people who have tested out the various cages and will give you tips on finding the best one for the money.
Also, try and get as many things in the package as you can. For example, many companies offer you the mat, the cage of course, and impact panel. Finally, make sure it's easy to assemble. Quite simply, some of them are not all that simple to put together, and you might be in for a surprise when you order one, if you aren't careful.
When you follow these simple tips, you will be have find golf cages that allow you to take full swings no matter how confined your area, and even if its' in the dead of winter, you can still improve your golf game.
by Jimmy Harris


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Golf Short Game Tips to Help You Become a Better Player Fast

Many amateurs get caught up in trying to be the longest hitter of the golf ball in their group. The truth is that low scores can be produced without really needing to hit the ball very far. Yes, there is a great deal of pleasure that can be gained from seeing the stunned look in your playing partners faces as you bomb a drive over 300 yard down the fairway however if your short game is weak then you will never be able to capitalize on the advantage that you have off the tee.
The professionals on tour spend a lot of time working on their short game because they know that even on their best rounds they will probably miss a few greens and will need to rely on the short game to help them recover. Here are some simple short game tips to help you shoot lower scores fast:
Tip 1: Hit lots of wedge shots from 40 to 120 yards.
This distance can really make a big difference in your scores especially if you are sharp with your wedges here. Instead of a 30 foot putt for par or birdie, you can find yourself facing much simpler putts from inside 20 feet so you can save par more easily or make the occasional birdie.
Tip 2: Practice from very tough and awkward lies
Do not be afraid to practice from very awkward and difficult lies and situations. This will make the shots you face on the course seem simple by comparison. Look for bare lies or buried lies, uphill and downhill lies and stances and learn to hit chips and flop shots from these lies. Always aim for a tiny target and always focus on holing the shot. With every short game shot the target is to hole the shot not just get it inside some 3 foot circle.
Tip 3: Practice a lot of short putts
Short putting is critical to shooting good scores and being a great putter overall. If you are confident with the short putts then you will naturally be more free and confident with the longer putts which will only help you to make more of these kinds of putts. Line up short putts from 3 to 6 feet from various lines around the hole and focus on a small target and then just looking and reacting. Do think too much when putting or hitting any golf shot for that matter, you need to turn golf into a reaction sport so that you can take advantage of your natural athletic ability.
Tip 4: Build an effective mental routine
Many teachers talk about routines and they are important in order to be a better player. There are two aspects to the golf routine and they are the physical and mental routine. Both are important however the mental routine is more important. It is best to allow yourself to have some flexibility in your physical routine as far as the number of practice swings you take and such. The key element of the mental routine is to reach that moment of decisiveness where you know you will hit a great shot. Try some of these golf short game tips to help you become a better golfer quickly.
by Joe Kensingtons


วันเสาร์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Good Choice of Football Kits

Football is undeniably a growing sport worldwide. Thus, there are many shops offering football kits for both football players and football aficionados. As a matter of fact, those shops offer kits from the simple socks to excellent, well-designed jerseys. Indeed, football fans can really show their love and support to their favorite players and teams through purchasing and using football gears. Sometimes, those gears really add spice to the excitement of the games. However, there are factors to consider in buying some kits.
Comfort should be considered in purchasing any kits associated with football. The size of the football shirts and jerseys are important because no one wants to feel uncomfortable with skin tight or very loose ones. Appropriate size will just make anyone so cool.
Choosing the right kit is a must in purchasing football gears. It is not that hard because of the many football shops that are available today. These shops provide a wide range of stuffs to choose from. Thus, everyone has so many options in choosing the best if not, the appropriate kit for them.
Budget should also be considered in purchasing football gears. It is unquestionable that some of the items associated with football are somehow expensive. But there are still some which are very affordable. So, just stick to what a certain budget can afford. After all, acquiring football gears are not the basic and necessary needs in life. Anyone can still breathe even without those gears.
It is undeniable that any football kit like a jersey can be personalized. Anyone can put his or her name on the football shirt. So, before purchasing, one should be decided already if what name to put on the kit. After selecting the preferred name, design and color, it would be much better to double check the selected item. Another thing to bear in mind is whether to have a long or short sleeve for the jerseys. Indeed, anyone can decide if what could be the design of his or her football kit.
And lastly, always put in mind that a purchased football kit should reflect the personality of the owner. Acquiring kits is a good way to express oneself. Thus, anyone can express their love and support to their favorite teams as well as football stars. After all, that is one of the very cores of football gears and equipment. One good tip in using the purchased kit is to use it with head up high. Always be proud of what kit you are wearing or using. There is no reason to be shy while wearing a kit associated with the most popular sport in the whole world. In fact, being a fan of football is already one thing anyone should be proud of.
Therefore, considerations must be taken wisely in purchasing excellent and high-quality football kits. It is because buying certain kits should not be done abruptly in order to acquire the best if not a well fabricated and designed kit. After all, there is no such thing as an easily purchased kit without thinking intelligently.
by Soophott Lert
