sport world

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Are You Ready To Start Vertical Jump Training

When you reach the point when you decide to try to increase your vertical jump, you will need to determine how you stand physically. This is so you will know what you need to be doing when you start your program. There is a correct starting point for your level of fitness and you do not want to be spinning your wheels doing the wrong things.
Have you already been doing dead lifts and squats to build up a good base of strength? Can you squat at least 1½ times your body weight? If you want to make some really good improvements, those would be good starting points. If someone is not able to squat 1½ times their body weight they will make some progress when they go into explosive strength training but they will not reach their full potential.
Your weight can have a significant impact on your jumping ability. If you have too much excess weight, you will need to reduce your body fat level. Reducing your body fat level to below 10% or more and increasing the muscle mass will make a big difference. Adding aerobic exercises can help reduce the excess fat and improve your cardiovascular system.
When you start doing plyometric exercises for the legs, realize that this will be a new shock to the system. Plyometrics will be stressful to the joints and to the body in general and having done your squats and dead lifts will have prepared you for this. It is better that these exercises not be done more than a couple times per week at first, this will give the body time to recover between workouts. For someone that is injury prone, extra care needs to be taken. After you have been doing plyometrics for awhile, you can add another day.
Following a good vertical training program would be the best thing for anyone who desires to jump higher. You just need to be aware of where you are in the beginning so you can start your program correctly.

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