sport world

วันพุธที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

5 Tips to Help Your Plan For Those Par-3 Holes

Some people do not realize that the stakes are higher for par-3 holes than par-4 and par-5 holes. Think about it, hit the ball poorly and you can easily end up with a bogey, double bogey or even worse.
Many par-3 holes are harder than they seem. Many are surrounded by hazards that can cost you strokes if you hit into them.
Below are 5 tips that can help you play those par-3 holes:
Always use a tee
Use a divot hole
Use one more club
Take an easy swing
Aim for the fattest part of the green
Start by always using a tee, even if the tee is no higher than the turf. This will improve the ball contact and lessens the chance of catching to much of the grass behind the ball.
Use a divot hole to align your clubface and then align your body to the clubface.
Because there a many hazards on the par-3 holes you should take one more club than you typically use. By this I mean, if you are thinking of using a 9-iron, use an 8-iron instead. With the extra club you can take a more relaxed and easy swing. This also gives you the knowledge that you will be able to hit over any hazards at the front of the green.
Lastly, aim for the fattest part of the green. Aim for the part of the green that gives you the largest margin of error and chances are you will end up in good shape.
Remember that it does not take much to go from potential birdie to a bogey or double bogey on the par-3 holes. Follow the tips above and stay focused from the tee box and you will increase your chances of making a birdie and lowering your golf scores.
by Rick Byrd


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