sport world

วันศุกร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How To Buy a Used Snowboard

Buying a used snowboard is a great way to save money, but make sure to keep a couple things in mind before picking your second hand snowboard.
First, make sure you pick the right length and width for your height, weight, feet size, riding style, and ability.
Once you've chosen the right size snowboard, check the snowboard for any visible damage, especially the top deck. Delamination of the top sheet can be repaired, but you should stay clear of any snowboards that show visible marks. Damaged snowboards are less stable and will have will not be as durable.
Next, be sure to remove the bindings from the snowboard to see if there are any cracks or dings hiding under the bindings. Do the same things with stickers and stomp pads. Inspect the binding holes and test the screws to make sure they have not been threaded or damaged. There is nothing worse than buying a board and then realizing your bindings cannot be attached because of damage to the screw fittings.
Also make sure the metal edges around the snowboard is in good condition. If there are any rounding or burrings, that can easily be fixed, but gouges cannot and you should avoid snowboards with gouges.
When inspecting the base of the board, look out for cracks or deep cuts which are difficult to repair. Don't worry too much about scratches or scrapes since they are cosmetic and won't effect the snowboard's performance. Lastly, make sure to place the snowboard on a flat surface and make sure the board's noise and tail make contact, while the middle of the board has ground clearance.
Buying a used snowboard will have imperfections so don't expect to find a board in perfect condition.
by Andrew Cho

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