sport world

วันอังคารที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Nadal Federer Match at Wimbledon

For those who are passionate about tennis - those who want to watch as the world's best players come together, there are few events that have more meaning than the Wimbledon Championships. Each summer, the world's best players meet on the grass in one of the longest running tournaments in tennis history in the Championships at Wimbledon.
This year, in 2008, the Championships at Wimbledon happened for the 122nd time. In the men's final match, Roger Federer - a five times men's champion - and Rafael Nadal of Spain took to the court to compete in the finals. As this was the year that Roger Federer lost his first place world ranking in men's tennis, a great deal of attention was paid to the match long before it began as well as for the duration of the competition.
The Nadal Federer match went a full five sets - five sets that drew so much attention that the championship match is now available on DVD for those who, unlike Roger Federer, are interested in watching the game played time and time again. The rain and the wind - and of course the lighting that came into play along with the weather - all contributed to the end of Federer's sixty-five match winning streak.
There was some degree of spin to the questions that were posed to Roger Federer after the championship match was over and the players had left the court for a conference with the press; questions about whether he felt that playing against Raphael Nadal had had any benefit to him, and about whether or not his approach to the game were asked. Roger Federer's response was blunt, almost to the point of curt, when he replied that he learned nothing at all from the match. It was obvious that the loss to Nadal was frustrating to him.
Of course, those who follow the game of tennis who were drawn in by the Nadal and Federer championship at Wimbledon were watching both the Olympic Games in Beijing and the US Open carefully as well. As the field of competitors in the US Open narrowed, it had begun to look as though there could be a Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal rematch and speculators were questioning whether or not the two would again meet at center court for a championship round. The speculation, of course, underwent additional pressure when the Andy Murray and Rafael Nadal semi-final was delayed due to stormy weather.
Ultimately, whether or not Roger Federer was hoping to compete against Rafael Nadal in the finals at the US Open has proven itself to be irrelevant; there will not be a rematch as Andy Murray took Rafael Nadal down in the semi-finals and will be going on to face Roger Federer for the title. Still, those who are looking to see whether or not Roger Federer will be able to make a comeback and take the title are bound to be looking forward to the match to see whether or not he can end the season on a high note.
By Payton Brooks

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