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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Golf Short Game Tips to Help You Become a Better Player Fast

Many amateurs get caught up in trying to be the longest hitter of the golf ball in their group. The truth is that low scores can be produced without really needing to hit the ball very far. Yes, there is a great deal of pleasure that can be gained from seeing the stunned look in your playing partners faces as you bomb a drive over 300 yard down the fairway however if your short game is weak then you will never be able to capitalize on the advantage that you have off the tee.
The professionals on tour spend a lot of time working on their short game because they know that even on their best rounds they will probably miss a few greens and will need to rely on the short game to help them recover. Here are some simple short game tips to help you shoot lower scores fast:
Tip 1: Hit lots of wedge shots from 40 to 120 yards.
This distance can really make a big difference in your scores especially if you are sharp with your wedges here. Instead of a 30 foot putt for par or birdie, you can find yourself facing much simpler putts from inside 20 feet so you can save par more easily or make the occasional birdie.
Tip 2: Practice from very tough and awkward lies
Do not be afraid to practice from very awkward and difficult lies and situations. This will make the shots you face on the course seem simple by comparison. Look for bare lies or buried lies, uphill and downhill lies and stances and learn to hit chips and flop shots from these lies. Always aim for a tiny target and always focus on holing the shot. With every short game shot the target is to hole the shot not just get it inside some 3 foot circle.
Tip 3: Practice a lot of short putts
Short putting is critical to shooting good scores and being a great putter overall. If you are confident with the short putts then you will naturally be more free and confident with the longer putts which will only help you to make more of these kinds of putts. Line up short putts from 3 to 6 feet from various lines around the hole and focus on a small target and then just looking and reacting. Do think too much when putting or hitting any golf shot for that matter, you need to turn golf into a reaction sport so that you can take advantage of your natural athletic ability.
Tip 4: Build an effective mental routine
Many teachers talk about routines and they are important in order to be a better player. There are two aspects to the golf routine and they are the physical and mental routine. Both are important however the mental routine is more important. It is best to allow yourself to have some flexibility in your physical routine as far as the number of practice swings you take and such. The key element of the mental routine is to reach that moment of decisiveness where you know you will hit a great shot. Try some of these golf short game tips to help you become a better golfer quickly.
by Joe Kensingtons


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