sport world

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Controlling Your Distance on Bunker Shots

Most golfers try to control the distance they want to hit the ball with their length of backswing and swing speed. This is not the correct way to control distance of your bunker shots. Your speed can and will vary a little with each shot.
You control the distance of your bunker shots with the amount of loft you have on your sand wedge at impact. Notice I said at impact.
I divide greenside bunker shots into three lengths, short, medium, and long. For longer greenside bunker shots you should keep your clubface square to your target. For medium length greenside bunker shots you should open your club face 5 degrees. For short greenside bunker shots you should open your club face 10 degrees. When I refer to opening the club face you should turn the club open 5 or 10 degrees and then grip the club.
As for the swing, it does not matter how long the greenside bunker shot is, you should always make a full golf swing. Again, let the club face control the distance of your shots. Do not slow down your swing as you approach the sand. You need to accelerate all the way through to your follow-through.
I will tell now that you need to practice these shots. You will not be able to go out on the course and knock down all of these greenside bunker shots. Once you practice these shots you will be amazed at how much control you will have.
Remember, regardless of your distance you need to take a full swing at the golf ball.
by Rick Byrd


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