sport world

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Why You Need A Preshot Routine to Improve Your Golf Game

One thing I have noticed about professional golfers is they have a consistent preshot routine. The routines may very from golfer to golfer but they are each consistent with their own routine.
A preshot routine helps you prepare to hit a shot the same way every time. A consistent routine can help a golfer get comfortable and in a rhythm. However, another major benefit of a consistent preshot routine is it helps get you into the proper ball position and accurate alignment.
The routine I follow is almost the same as Fred Funk's routine. First, stand behind the ball and look, I mean really focus to where you want to hit the ball. While focusing on that point make a couple of easy practice swings to get loose and comfortable. This will help get rid of any nervousness you may have. Next, find a spot or some object on the ground between your ball and the spot where you want to hit the ball. This spot can be a broken tee, a divot, or even a leaf, as long as it is between you and the target. As you walk up to the ball, you can use that spot to square up you club head to where you want to hit the ball. Next, you need to place your back foot perpendicular to the target line. Next, bring in your front foot to get the desired ball position between your stance. Lastly, if necessary you can shift you back foot a little to correct the width of your stance.
Develop a routine that will become natural and automatic to you and you will make a step in the right direction in achieving a more consistent golf game and lowering your golf scores.
by Rick Byrd


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