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วันจันทร์ที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Help With Golf Swing - Fighting in the Trenches!

Welcome to Help With Golf Swing Articles. Today I would like to cover some sand trap techniques that we can use to help us all in great game of golf. So let us get started.
You find yourself with a perfect form, staring down the Par 4 315 yard hole with a slight breeze. You just hit the best shot you've hit in a very long time, your follow through was perfect, head kept down, hips clicked. You say to yourself, "That show has I am a professional written all over it." All the sudden, you notice the ball landing on the fairway, and some brown thing in the distance pulling it with amazing force. Say it with me, "stupid sand trap!"
We've all been there, whether it's an amazing shot, or absolutely horrible, the sand trap owns every single golfer in the world. For some reason, it is my worst nightmare. You would not figure that a small sand trap way left of the hole would even be an issue, but long and behold, it ate my golf ball!
I'm sure every single person reading this article feels like I've been watching them on the course. Whoever decided to add the magnetic sand traps to the game of golf has me a little confused. But, since we can't keep from finding it all the time, I've got some tips that will help your visit to the sand trap much more pleasant.
1.) Hold your tongue. No, seriously, don't say what you're thinking. The moment you do, your emotions run wild and your focused is as good as gone. You need it to get out of the sand traps.
If You Are Hitting From A Wet or Shallow Sand Trap
1.) Set up on the golf ball like you normally do. Now, you want to do everything in your power to refrain from bouncing off the sand. Do this, take a dollar bill and place it under the golf ball. Practice hitting the ball and not moving the dollar bill. When the sand trap is wet, the dirt if packed tighter. If you take out the sand, there's a high chance for 1 of 2 things to happen. One being that you will balloon the golf ball, leaving your shot with little control or two, you won't make it out of the sand trap. That's so frustrating ... 2.) Keep your club head square, like usual. 3.) You want to the club head to start elevating 2 inches behind the ball. That will help with control and ball elevation. 4.) Don't sway left. Ever. Just, don't do it. That will cause all types of mistakes. 5.) Follow through.
For Normal Sand Trap Shot
1.) Line up with your feet spread apart. 2.) Keep your club head open. 3.) Don't sway left! 4.) Here, you're approach is going to be to hit the sand and not the ball. Got it? 5.) Ball should be lined up with front heel. 6.) Swing, hitting the sane 4 to 6 inches behind the ball. 7.) Practice on swinging through the ball rather than down. 8.) Follow through.
Fairway Bunker Shots
1.) Choose a club with plenty of loft to clear the lip of the bunker. 2.) You're going to need hit the ball a good distance, because you're probably more than 150 yards out, so ... This is where we really want to put that dollar under the golf ball swing into practice. 3.) Stand tall, and grip the club handle a couple of inches down. 4.) Don't bury your feet in the sand. 5.) Play the ball an inch back in you stance, this will help you hit the ball and not the sand. 6.) Keep the swing short and quiet. Not large swings, no lunges, no fancy stuff. Keep it smooth.
Go give these tips some practice, let's see if we can't help eliminate your bad days on the golf course with the sand traps.
Franklin Simpson has a CCNP for Cisco and also has an MCSA/MCSE for Microsoft Servers and is the founder of Help With Golf Swing Articles.


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