sport world

วันศุกร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How To Buy a Used Snowboard

Buying a used snowboard is a great way to save money, but make sure to keep a couple things in mind before picking your second hand snowboard.
First, make sure you pick the right length and width for your height, weight, feet size, riding style, and ability.
Once you've chosen the right size snowboard, check the snowboard for any visible damage, especially the top deck. Delamination of the top sheet can be repaired, but you should stay clear of any snowboards that show visible marks. Damaged snowboards are less stable and will have will not be as durable.
Next, be sure to remove the bindings from the snowboard to see if there are any cracks or dings hiding under the bindings. Do the same things with stickers and stomp pads. Inspect the binding holes and test the screws to make sure they have not been threaded or damaged. There is nothing worse than buying a board and then realizing your bindings cannot be attached because of damage to the screw fittings.
Also make sure the metal edges around the snowboard is in good condition. If there are any rounding or burrings, that can easily be fixed, but gouges cannot and you should avoid snowboards with gouges.
When inspecting the base of the board, look out for cracks or deep cuts which are difficult to repair. Don't worry too much about scratches or scrapes since they are cosmetic and won't effect the snowboard's performance. Lastly, make sure to place the snowboard on a flat surface and make sure the board's noise and tail make contact, while the middle of the board has ground clearance.
Buying a used snowboard will have imperfections so don't expect to find a board in perfect condition.
by Andrew Cho

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

weight lifting programs for beginners

weight lifting programs for beginnersDo your know were many peoples 1st entry to weight-lifting is? It's not in a gymnasium, it's in a physiotherapy room. As a matter of fact whenever I walked you in blindfolded to either a modern gymnasium, or modern PT department of most leading hospitals or orthopaedic centers on, I bet you'd be hard put to tell them apart. Weight-lifting is virtually all of the time part of the physiotherapy to recover from an accidental injury or slow the effect of joint disease such that as arthritis.There has a common misconception that people with an hurt back, or hip, or knee pain due to arthritis, bursitis or other degenerative arthritis, had better not weightlift for it will only make the matter bigger. Not true. Weight-lifting isn't only an acceptable practice in physiotherapy, but a recent study brought out in a lot of medical journals proved the benefits of weight-lifting and durability training to patients with knee arthritis. For a lot of people with habitual hip and knee joint pain a regimen of exercise and physiotherapy that included weight-lifting forbade the need for joint replacement surgical operation.Weight-lifting, like all strength training is a type of forward Resistance Exercise. The physiologic definition of Progressive Resistance is a formula of increasing a muscles ability to control against force. In lay terms that signifies it's the way we get stronger. weight lifting programs for beginners The main reason that somebody is experiencing treatment by a physiotherapist is that a muscle or joint ascribable disease engagement, injury, or genetic disease can't generate adequate force to engage in each day activity. The goals consequently of the physiotherapist and the Weightlifter are as is, to strengthen muscles. There are a lot of great disciplines of physiotherapy including musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and geriatrics. That's Muscles and Bones, Nerves and Anti-aging. There were a few interesting results in a recent survey published by the United States National Library of Medicine and The National Institutes of Heath. The survey was designed to determine the effectualness of progressive resistance exercising as a part of physiotherapy. And it was found that across disease circumstances and injuries weight training and Progressive Resistance Exercise made a major difference in a patient's power to generate force with the affected joint or muscle being addressed. Moreover it was ascertained that these improvements carried forward into day-after-day life.Even so among the other conclusions of that same study was that with a lot of the injuries, the initial benefits acquired by weight-lifting as part of physiotherapy, dissipated afterwards the therapy was completed. So what does this tell us? Not that we wish pain or injury on anybody, but PT can be a 1st introduction to the benefits of weight-lifting and strength training, and that anybody who's had PT should be promoted to continue with progressive resistance exercises like weight-lifting throughout their lives. This will not only maintain the improvements gained from the physiatrics, but can get you into a practice that is been proven to have a positive effect on overall wellness and fitness, and could very well help to prevent a repeat of the very injury that put you in PT to begin with.
by Laverne Boyd

วันพุธที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

History of Detroit Pistons

Who does not know the Pistons? Any basketball fan would know that they are the beloved basketball team of Detroit. However, very few know its origin. So let us take a time out and discover the history of the Pistons.
They first played for the National basketball League or the NBL. The team carried the name Fort Wayne Zollner Pistons. The team then played for the Basketball Association of America or the BAA as the Fort Wayne Pistons. The two leagues, NBL and BAA, merged in 1949 and formed the National Basketball Association, the NBA.
The team was famous during that time. They were even a runner up in the 1955 and 1956 NBA finals. However, the team was very controversial as well. There were many speculations that the team was involved in gambling. There were rumors that they have thrown numbers of games including the 1955 NBA Finals. This was because of a series of mistakes and turnovers that caused them the winning shot.The team moved from Fort Wayne to Detroit in 1957 because of profit generation issues. They then became what we now know as the Detroit Pistons.
In the 1960s, Dave DeBusschere and Dave Bing made exciting moments. At that time, DeBusschere was a playing coach. At 24, he was the youngest coach in the league history. Bing was also a promising basketball superstar. He was averaging 20 points a game with four rebounds. However, this was not enough to get the team pass the second round. It was unfortunate for the team to trade DeBusschere to the New York Knicks in 1968. The Detroit native has helped the Knicks earn two NBA championships.
The seventies was a roller coaster ride for the Pistons. They had some great winning seasons in the early years but posted its worst at 16-60 from 1979 to 1980.They changed their coaches eight times and they also changed ownership. In 1974, Fred Zollner sold the team to William Davidson. They also changed their home from the Cobo Home to the Silverdome.
The 1980s were one of the best decades in the history of the franchise. The fate of the team changed when they drafted Kelly Tripucka and Isiah Thomas. The team also acquired Vinnie Johnson and Bill Laimbeer. Although they had a tough time, the team was able to manage. Players like Dennis Rodman, Rick Mahorn, and Mark Aguirre became part of the team. The team play was tough and physical. This gave birth to their Bad Boys nickname. They became one of the most hated teams in the NBA. In addition, they earned two consecutive NBA titles in 1989 and 1990.
The nineties paved the way for young basketball stars. The time of the Bad Boys ended after the trading of key players and retirement of Thomas and Laimbeer. One of the rising stars was Grant Hill. The Detroit Pistons had strong seasons in the late 90s. However, Hill suffered from a serious injury that ended their play off attempt.
There were several changes in their roster in the ensuing years. This paid off because they won the NBA title in 2004, defeating the strong team of the LA Lakers.
Today, the team has five national titles including the two titles they earned in the NBL. They have seven conference titles and sixteen division titles including the four titles they earned from NBL.
By Rick Grantham

วันอังคารที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Nadal Federer Match at Wimbledon

For those who are passionate about tennis - those who want to watch as the world's best players come together, there are few events that have more meaning than the Wimbledon Championships. Each summer, the world's best players meet on the grass in one of the longest running tournaments in tennis history in the Championships at Wimbledon.
This year, in 2008, the Championships at Wimbledon happened for the 122nd time. In the men's final match, Roger Federer - a five times men's champion - and Rafael Nadal of Spain took to the court to compete in the finals. As this was the year that Roger Federer lost his first place world ranking in men's tennis, a great deal of attention was paid to the match long before it began as well as for the duration of the competition.
The Nadal Federer match went a full five sets - five sets that drew so much attention that the championship match is now available on DVD for those who, unlike Roger Federer, are interested in watching the game played time and time again. The rain and the wind - and of course the lighting that came into play along with the weather - all contributed to the end of Federer's sixty-five match winning streak.
There was some degree of spin to the questions that were posed to Roger Federer after the championship match was over and the players had left the court for a conference with the press; questions about whether he felt that playing against Raphael Nadal had had any benefit to him, and about whether or not his approach to the game were asked. Roger Federer's response was blunt, almost to the point of curt, when he replied that he learned nothing at all from the match. It was obvious that the loss to Nadal was frustrating to him.
Of course, those who follow the game of tennis who were drawn in by the Nadal and Federer championship at Wimbledon were watching both the Olympic Games in Beijing and the US Open carefully as well. As the field of competitors in the US Open narrowed, it had begun to look as though there could be a Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal rematch and speculators were questioning whether or not the two would again meet at center court for a championship round. The speculation, of course, underwent additional pressure when the Andy Murray and Rafael Nadal semi-final was delayed due to stormy weather.
Ultimately, whether or not Roger Federer was hoping to compete against Rafael Nadal in the finals at the US Open has proven itself to be irrelevant; there will not be a rematch as Andy Murray took Rafael Nadal down in the semi-finals and will be going on to face Roger Federer for the title. Still, those who are looking to see whether or not Roger Federer will be able to make a comeback and take the title are bound to be looking forward to the match to see whether or not he can end the season on a high note.
By Payton Brooks

วันจันทร์ที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

History of Inline Skates

Are you an inline skate or roller blade enthusiast? If you are using an inline skate manufactured by Rollerblade, Inc., then you may be called roller blading, but if you are using inline skates from other manufacturer, the term roller blading does not apply to you. You may be surprise to know that the word roller blade does not refer to the skate you use but Rollerblade is the company that is known to manufacture roller blades.
Rollerblade, Inc. used to be known as Chicago Roller Skate Company owned by Scott Olson and Brennan Olson. While they are not the original inventors of inline skates, the Olson brothers redesigned a pair of inline skates by using modern materials. They initially intended to create skates for ice skaters to use during practice.
Their design is similar to the inline skates we know today. This is the reason why roller blades is the name the public calls an inline skate. The redesign done by the Olson brothers to inline skates happen in 1979. While this is not the first known appearance of the inline skates in the history, this is very significant because from this point forward, rollers skates are already known as roller blades.
The first ever appearance of a roller skate, which is a boots with three wheels aligned with each other is in 1943. A London stage performance used this in a stage act. The creator of the first ever roller skate or inline skate is unknown. His name is not even mentioned in the dockets of history.
Seventeen years thereafter, John Joseph Merlin of Huys, Belgium used inline roller skates to promote his museum. There was a problem in his invention of a roller skate because he cannot stop when he needs to. Often, you will see him hitting mirrored wall.
Another significant entry in the history of inline skates is in 1818, when inline roller skates are used by ballet performance for their entrance. This use of roller skates is supposed to be for ice skating. However, because during this time, it is still impossible to produce ice on stage, thus the inline skate as used.
In 1823, Robert John Tyers of London patented Rolito. Rolito is a shoe or boot with five wheels in a single row. While this seems to be just like the inline skates we use today, Rolito cannot follow a curved path like the modern inline skates.
Another important timeline in the history of inline skates is in 1860, when an inventor from Madison, Connecticut developed Parlor Skates. Parlor Skate is the first roller skate that uses rubber or leather ring on the wheels to allow good grip to the ground.
There are many other changes in design that are done on the roller skates that paved the way to the Olson Brothers getting hold of them and redesigning it to the inline skates we know today.
The history of inline skates after the Olson brothers and their establishment of Rollerblade, Inc. have been colorful and led to many manufacturers creating variations of inline skates.
There was a slow down in the popularity of inline skates that happened in the 1990’s, inline skates reemerge in history through the aggressive skating discipline.
The history of inline skating likewise entered another entry in 2002 when the coach of Chien-Hao Wang requested for the redesign of inline skates to ensure better performance during inline figure skating events.
The history of inline skating is colorful and involves many personalities. However, even without knowing the ups and downs of the history, inline skating is good for recreational purposes. It may also be good for the health because some fitness gurus believe that inline skating may be comparable to jogging in helping ones self get fit.
By Nathan Hicks

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How To Play Soccer - The Basics

Bill Shankly (the former Liverpool manager) once said"Soccer is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, on controlling the ball and making yourself available to receive a pass"
It sounds quite simple really doesn't, but:
* What are the rules of soccer* How do the rules of soccer influence how to play soccer?* What specific skills are required?* What tactics should be employed?* What are the physical attributes needed by soccer players?* Do soccer players need specific fitness requirements?* What should I learn first?* What formation is the best one for a team to use?
What do FirstWhen you are learning how to play soccer, then the very first thing that you should do is ensure that you develop great technical skill. Getting technical skill can only be done through a lot of practise and repetition of various soccer drills. Whilst teamwork and tactics play a huge part in the way a tem plays, the teams performance will be limited based on the technical ability of the players and the level of skill that players have.
The basic skills that are required for soccer player are:
* Ball Control* Dribbling* Passing* Shooting* Heading* Defending* Goalkeeping
To ensure that you have good soccer skills, a great deal of practice is required to develop good soccer skills a great deal of practice and commitment is required. The key to developing great soccer skills is repetition. I recommend that players do at least 30 minutes a day of solid practice to develop these skills, including juggling a soccer ball to ensure that their technical ability is of an adequate standard.
Tactics and formations
Teamwork is vital in playing soccer and having a good understanding of how to get into goal scoring positions and conversely how a team can defend against the opposition requires an intimate knowledge of the game and of how to get players to play using different soccer formations.
Soccer Fitness
Being Fit for Soccer does have a major impact on how to play soccer. I was in a team once that had limited technical ability compared with the majority of teams in our league, but guess what we were runners up in the league purely because we were the fittest team in the league and often won games in the dying minutes, because we were fit enough to "run the opposition off their legs". So never underestimate the impact that fitness will have on your game.
Rules of Soccer
There are various forms of soccer, ranging from micro soccer (3 a side) to the standard game of 11 a side. FIFA are the worldwide governing body for soccer, and it is FIFA who control the laws of the game that dictate how to play soccer from a rules perspective. Understanding the laws of the game does have a bearing on what you do, and all players should make sure they understand the laws of the game.
A combination of learning the soccer skills described here, team tactics and team formations, soccer fitness and an understanding of the laws of the game constitute the basics of how to play soccer.
By Nigel Reed

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Shimano Tyrnos: The Shimano Reel For Offshore Fishing

It is the start of summer and you have loads of plans. Actually, there is only one thing you plan to do this summer, you just intend on doing lots of it: fishing. Every cell in your body seems to be yearning for the wide open sea, the salt spray, the excitement of the catch, and even the dull vibrations of the motorboat. Will this summer bring you the big one? Bring the Shimano Tyrnos with you and rest assured that you would get quality performance from this Shimano reel.
The Shimano Tyrnos is one of the latest conventional Shimano reels used for offshore fishing. Let me just make a few comparisons about its features with the other conventional Shimano reels on the market. It has the Aluminum frame the Shimano Tiagra is known for and the Graphite Sideplates that make the Shimano TLD light and nimble. These two combine to make the Shimano Tyrnos a durable, well-aligned, and light reel optimal for offshore fishing. Like the Shimano Tiagra, TLD, and Torsa, the Tyrnos has a lever drag to lessen or even completely do away with lever movement due to boat’s motor vibrations. The lever drag has a pre-programmable range which lets you set the Strike button to a specific pressure from an almost unlimited range. You can shift from Strike to Full and any pressure in between these two. The Shimano Tyrnos also has an ergonomic power handle similar to the ones found on the Tiagra, Trinidad, and Torsa for a comfortable, non-slip grip that provides increased torque. Common to all the conventional reels made by Shimano are the aluminum spool, anti-rust bearings, and the clicker.
This informative guide on the Shimano Tyrnos was sponsored by Sea Isle Tackle: - the Shimano Tyrnos is a great off-shore fishing reel - do you like offshore fishing? We at Sea Isle do, and we highly recommend this fishing reel. Not only can the Tyrnos be used for OFf-shore fishing, it can be used in freshwater, angling, deep sea, and much much more!
Several unique features distinguish the Shimano Tyrnos from the rest of the reels produced by Shimano. Unlike most other conventional Shimano reels which have a super stopper with assist stopper for anti-reverse, the Shimano Tyrnos has an alternating anti-reverse twin pawl which gives you hooksetting power for very little backplay. The reduced profile top crossbar found in Tyrnos models 20 and 30 give you tremendous line control when dropping lures or back baits when trolling. And oversized gears afford immense cranking power while an oversized handle shank gives increased torque.
The Shimano Tyrnos has 6 available models: TYR8, TYR10, TYR12, TYR16, TYR20, and TYR30. Line capacity, full and strike max drag, and model unit weight increase with the corresponding increase in model number. The Tyrnos also has a 2-Speed model which lets you shift easily form high to low gear by just pressing a button. With this innovation, you can have the cranking power of a reel in low gear and the speed needed in moving a lure or clearing a trolling pattern on a hook-up in high gear.

By Robert Author

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Copa America Football Tournament

The Copa America is South American's equivalent of the European Championships. It is the world's oldest surviving football tournament, having been established in 1916. Brazil are the current holders of the Copa America trophy after they defeated rivals Argentina in 2007. Read on to discover the historical origins of the tournament, how the Copa America is organized and finally how the tournament was won last time around.
Historical Origins of the Copa America
The first tournament took place in July 1916. It was held in Argentina as a part of the country's centenary independence celebrations. With only four teams participating, the winner was decided after all the teams played each other once.
Hosts Argentina were joined in the tournament by Chile, Uruguay and Brazil. The final match in this series was between Argentina and Uruguay and it finished 0-0 and this meant that the first ever tournament was won by Uruguay.
The tournament was originally called the South American Championship of Nations and was known as this until it was renamed the Copa America in 1975.
Over the years the tournament as evolved to feature up to twelve teams in the tournament. Prior to the last tournament in 2007 the Copa America was held every two years, but due to increasing fixture congestion and the large number of South American players that now feature for European teams the tournament will now take place every four years.
Organization of the Copa America
The Copa America tournament has evolved over many years to its current format.
In the last tournament held in Venezuela there were twelve teams that took part. Each time there are ten teams that qualify automatically and two teams that are officially invited. The automatic teams include previous winners such as Brazil, Argentina and Chile. In the most recent competition the United States and Mexico accepted invitations to participate.
The twelve teams are divided into three groups of four who then all play each other once. Teams collect three points for a win, one point for a draw and receive no points for a defeat. The top two teams in each group then qualify for the quarter finals along with two of the three teams that finished third. This is determined by the points that they accumulated over the group matches.
The second part of the tournament is a straight knockout. Four teams advance to the semi-finals before the winners of those matches meet in the Final. Each game is decided firstly through extra time periods of thirty minutes and then a penalty shoot out should the scores be level at the end of the normal period of play.
The Copa America In 2007
The most recent tournament was held in Venezuela in 2007. The organizers of the Copa America have decided that the hosting of the tournament should rotate through the ten members alphabetically and 2007 represented the end of the first cycle and the first time that the Venezuelans had played host.
The tournament was regarded as an entertaining spectacle with lots of goals scored in the group stages of the tournament. Pre-tournament favorites Argentina lived up to their billing by defeating the United States 4-1 and Columbia 4-2. They eased through to the Final by defeating Peru 4-0 and Mexico 3-0. However they were defeated by Brazil after they also displayed great skills and team play as well.
Brazil defeated Argentina 3-0 to lift the Copa America for the eight time.
By Daniel Millions

วันพุธที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Football is More Than Just a Popular Sport

For most people, it's common fact that football is the most popular sport in the world. However, not everybody realizes the significant role football plays in many people's everyday life.
Eleven players grace the field for each team, playing with an unmatched combination of both speed and endurance. The game is all about skillful control of the feet, which is important not also but keeping balance but also controlling the game ball. In fact, the only football player allowed to use his hands is the goal, which is understandable in preventing an unfair advantage for the offensive team.
Throughout the world, football fans are known for their passionate loyalty. The sport is far more than just a game for most fans. Many games, especially those between international teams, have political undertones. Even between teams from the same country, rivalry leads to behavior that often gets out of hand. Fans commonly chant profane insults at the competing team's players and fans. Unfortunately, violence has found a place in the sport's culture. Every year, there are reports of players and coaches mysteriously reported missing or dead after losing a key match.
Football is typically a low-scoring affair. Even though football has the longest playing time of all popular sports, scores for either team very rarely exceed more than a couple points for each team. Teams usually exchange possession of the ball dozens of times before a play resulting in a scored point. It's possible for the game to result in a tie, although players typically compete in a shootout if the score is tied after the regulation time and stoppage time.
Children around the globe dream of playing professional football, and pick up the sport at a very young age. Young kids are playing football before they can walk, and play for several teams at a time during their early childhood and teenage years. The professional leagues have several levels of competition, similar to minor league system used by baseball in the United States. It's not uncommon for teenage football players to find themselves signing lucrative professional contracts even before they can legally drive an automobile.
Professional football players instantly earn gratification as a national icon once they put on their team's jersey. Celebrities such as David Beckham, Pele and Ronaldinho are household names because of their success on the football field. The top professional football players are overwhelming harassed by the paparazzi, similar to that of a star musician or popular actress. On the other hand, professional football players are able to demand a significant amount of money by endorsing or promoting a business' product.
Unfortunately, like all professional athletes, not ever football player is an exceptional role model prepared for the global attention. Similar to other sports, many professional football players get caught using illegal substances, either for recreation or to enhance sports performance. In addition, battery and fighting are other unfortunate occurrences often associated with rowdy players.
However, it's important not to stereotype football players by the poor choices made by a few immature athletes. Even with the corruption involved in professional football, the sport provides great benefits for all of the players. Aside from the obvious physical fitness benefits and the potential financial benefits of playing a sport professionally, the game provides an inspiration for people of all ages to commit to something larger than themselves.

by Daniel Millions

วันอังคารที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Lessons from the Basketball Court

There are many lessons what you can learn from playing a team sport like basketball that carry over into our "real" lives. Whether you are learning these yourself, or teaching them to children, the basketball classroom can be a lot more real than an academic one. Check these out and see if you would agree:
1. You Can't Do It All By Yourself
If you want the ventures you (or your kids) are involved in to succeed, you need to rely on other people to help you. Have you ever heard the expression, "No man is an island"? We aren't meant to do everything on our own. It may be hard to learn how to trust that your teammates will be there to help and support you on the basketball court just as it can be difficult to trust people off the court, but the fact is that there are people around you that you can count on. You just have to learn how to let go of your fear of getting hurt and let them in.
2. There Will be Obstacles in Your Way
If you are the only person on the basketball court, then getting the ball from one end to another and putting in the basket is no big deal. During a game, though, it will be a lot more challenging, since you have a bunch of players from the other team not only trying to stop you from getting the ball into their net, but they are trying to take the ball and attack your net!
3. You Can Rise to any Challenge
When you see the other team's players coming toward you, do you give up and just hand over the basketball ever so politely? Not on your life! If they want the ball, then they are going to have to take it from your basketball hoop guarding hands.
Just like you use all the resources at your disposal to avoid that happening on the court (speed, skill, and cunning) to try to turn the course of the game to your favor, when you are faced with a challenge in life, you can draw on a number of inner resources to deal with it.
4. You're Stronger Than You Think
When the action is fast and furious and you are going full tilt in the middle of the game, you may be wondering if you have what it takes to continue on. You will find that you do. Our bodies have a wonderful ability to rise to the occasion and give us the extra burst of energy we need to respond to the challenges we face.
When we are pushed to the limit and don't think we have anything else to give, we are surprised to find that we can summon up an extra burst of energy or give just that little bit more to the task. We are all capable of a lot more than we give ourselves credit for and if we were to tap into our potential a bit more often, we may be surprised at what we can achieve.
What lessons have you learned from participating in sports and how can you translate them into your everyday life?
by Greg Williams

Are you a "CRAZY" Football Fan?

According to my wife I am a conspiracy theorist when it comes to college football rules and regulations; I always think that "everyone is out to get my team" and the college football system is crooked. Just last week my wife asked me if I thought the players in the huddle were talking about me as well, which was a little over the top, just a little though. Granted, I am an SEC fan, and we do tend to feel that we are disrespected by everyone on the face of the planet, except other SEC fans, but that's not what this article is about.
I wrote this article with hopes of finding other football fans out there that share the same frustrations that I feel during the college football season; hopefully proving to my wife that I'm not the only "crazy" football fan out there. According to my wife, if you exhibit any of these qualities you are a "crazy" football fan. With my apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, here they are:
1) If you still hate the new 40 second clock even though it makes perfect sense on paper … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
2) If you are tired of Ohio State, Notre Dame and USC dominating every sports show and being considered for a BCS bowl game regardless of their talent level and weak schedule … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
3) If you would like the sports announcers who are calling the game to SHUT UP every once in a while so you can enjoy the game … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
4) If you feel that the announcers who are calling the game are biased against your team and secretly hope they lose … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
5) If you want the announcers to stop broadcasting strategies on what your teams opponent needs to do to win the game because they may be listening … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
6) When the TV coverage switches to the young lady on the field, who is pretending to know what she is talking about while reading a teleprompter, and it causes you to throw the remote because you missed part of the next play … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
7) If you're sick and tired of hearing about how [insert team name here] from Conference USA, who is unbeaten, should contend for a BCS bowl even though their schedule consisted of JUCO teams and 13th graders … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
8) If you are tired of the constant debate on which conference is the "toughest" because it's painfully obvious that it's your team's conference … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
9) If your wife always seems to pack up the kids and go shopping around the time your team is playing … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
10) If it's a "bad idea" for you to watch the football games while the in-laws are over at Thanksgiving … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
11) If you dislike a person, whom you have never met, because you saw him wearing another team's cap … you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
12) If your dog instantaneously yelps and runs out of the room when the TV is turned to a football game... you may be a "CRAZY" football fan.
13) Lastly, if you would like to beat the crap out of any college president who supports the flawed BCS system just because of the money, you may be a "SANE" football fan.
Okay everyone, let "crazy" football fan have it, am I right, am I wrong or did I leave something out?

วันจันทร์ที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Forms of Martial Arts

Martial Arts come in different forms and they are not only confined to Kung-fu or Taekwondo, which is popularized a lot in television and the movies. You would be surprised to know that certain forms of fighting are also called martial arts. To learn and practice martial arts, one should be well equipped with the proper supplies.
Martial arts have different origins. The term "Martial" is derived from the Roman god of war named "Mars". Martial Arts simply mean "the art of war". Although most people think that martial arts only came from the Asian cultures, it is also found in America and Europe. Martial arts feature a type of combat system that has codes within a single objective of physically defeating a person.
Aside from this, it is mainly used for self-defense against any bodily harm. Some martial arts techniques are actually based on a spiritual or religious philosophy such as Aikido and Judo. This is while others base it on a certain code of honor such as fencing. Hence, martial arts techniques are being practiced as a form of combat sports and some in the form of dance.
Thus, regardless of where the art originated, they have similarities with one another. Each style has a systematized fighting style. They even have forms and routines when they do sparring, which is practiced either alone or with a partner. Martial arts are grouped in a way that each style will focus on a certain area.
Below is a list of samples for each group: Grappling • Throwing - Judo, Jujutsu, Sambo • Joint Lock - Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Hapkido • Pinning Techniques - Wrestling, Judo
Striking • Punching - Boxing (Western style), Wing Chun • Kicking - Capoeira, Savate, Taekwondo • Other Strikes - Muay thai, Karate, Shaolin Kung Fu
Weapons • Traditional Weaponry - Fencing, Gatka, Kendo, Kali • Modern Weaponry - Eskrima, Jogo do pau, Jukendo For some, most of the styles are well known as a form of Martial Arts technique and only a few would know that boxing and fencing is also categorized as such. At present, most styles of martial arts are being used as combat sports. For the others, they are used in military or police training as a form of self-defense.
Hence, Tae Kwon Do, fencing, boxing, and wrestling are events in the summer Olympics. This is while other martial arts such as Wushu of China and Muay Thai have tournaments held around the world. Aside from this, there are also those, which are regarded both as a form of dance and as a type of Martial Art. Good examples would include the Capoeira of Brazil, Yolah of Oman/UAE, and Buza from Russia.
Here is short description of some of the techniques mentioned above. CAPOEIRA The slaves in Brazil created this martial art during in the 16th century. It's a blend of dance, game, and as mentioned already - martial art, where in, music is incorporated. It's more of a skill based art rather than injuring the opponent. The players' form a circle called the Roda, where in, they will take turns in playing inside the circle.
The basic movement in Capoeira is called the ginga, in which, they need to swing and rock back and forth. They should move with the rhythm of the music being played by the bateria. Hence, the players usually use acrobatic movements such as cartwheels, handstands and use kicks, sweeps, and head strikes as a form of attack. They also do rolls and ducks, as their defensive move and as type of preparation for an attack.
Thus, this is more of a combination move for self-defense that makes use of a cartwheel with a blocking kick and an attack at the same time.
BOXING The ancient Greeks first introduced it as a sport and there are different forms of boxing done around the world. As a combat sport, usually two persons with a similar weight class fight with each other using their fists. There is the presence of a referee, one who needs to watch over and control the fight.
Since boxing is a type of contact sport, certain precautions must be taken in order to prevent injury. Hand and wrist wraps and boxing gloves are worn in order to protect the bones in the hands. During practice or sparring sessions, a headgear is also worn to protect the head and face. A mouthpiece is also worn to protect the insides of the cheek and lips from getting cut and also the jaw joint when the face gets hit.
Boxers practice their punches on a "speed bag" or on the heavy "punching bag" in order to develop speed, agility, and strength. Other training equipments include free weights, jump ropes, and medicine balls. The trainer uses focus mitts as padded targets for the boxer during practice.
MODERN ARNIS A Filipino style of martial arts founded by the late Remy Preses was created as a self-defense system. Influenced by the style of the Bolo (machete) and the art of Balintawak (Stick-Dueling), rattan sticks are used as weaponry, in which, it is called a "baston" (baton) or cane. Two techniques are taught using the baston - the single and double stick technique.
The cane is considered sacred to the practitioners of the art. This is the reason why, during combat, the arm or hand of the opponent is hit and not the cane. This method was called "defanging the snake", where in, the opponent will drop his weapon, making him less of a threat. Then this technique has been discouraged a lot from learning the art. This is because it was too painful to learn.
Plus, this caused the Filipino martial arts to become almost extinct! Therefore, what Remy Preses did is to preserve the Filipino martial art via developing a method of cane-to-cane combat during practice. This is in order to attract would be practitioners of the art. Thus, the "defanging the snake" method remains the practical application.
TAEKWONDO Taekwondo is the national sport of South Korea and perhaps the most popular martial art in the world. It is a combination of self-defense, sport, and combat techniques, which makes it an official event in the Olympics. The training of taekwondo usually involves the use of the power of the hips and legs. It also has blocks, punches, sweeps, and joint locks.
Taekwondo is distinguished from other techniques because of its kicking techniques. They believe that the leg is the most powerful weapon especially with the back kick of taekwondo. The union of the mind and body is developed and practiced in this art, while developing other aspects such as discipline, strength, flexibility, and stamina.
The "dobok" is the official uniform of a taekwondo student and is usually white, and with it, a belt is worn around the waist where its color will indicate the person's rank.
FENCING A European martial art that involves the use of swords, knives, bayonets and other similar weapons used in armed combat. Presently there are three weapons used: • Foil - light thrusting weapon • Epee - heavy thrusting weapon • Sabre - light cutting and thrusting weapon
Dueling gained popularity with the Europeans in the 17th up to the 19th century, where in, the cutting style of swordplay became a thrusting style or "foining". During that time fencing involves defending one's honor so no duels using sharp blades took place unless a formal insult was made.
After World War I, dueling was almost non-existent and went out after the Second World War. Therefore, the training and using of sharp swords disappeared. Plus, the emphasis was more in the technique and training styles of fencing.
As a form of martial art, the goal of fencing is to be theoretically trained for a duel. In classical fencing, where in the art of swordplay is applied and even expected to become applied in their training for an actual duel or fight, they utilize the standard foil, epee, and the blunted sabre. As for historical fencing, the use of a variety of weaponry with realistic weight will demand a different way of handling them, even affecting the movement of the body.
Today, fencing, as a type of sport, uses protective clothing during practices or events. The complete set includes the following: • Croissard - form fitting jacket covering the groin with a strap that goes between the legs. • Gorget - small fabric to protect the neck • Plastron - under arm protector • Glove - to protect the hand and prevent the blade from going into the sleeve • Breeches or knickers - short trousers • Socks - knee length or thigh high • Shoes - with flat soles • Mask - with a bib to protect the neck • Plastic chest protectors - required for female fencers
Things you need when you are planning to join a martial arts class: 1. Uniform - most students are required to have a uniform. There are available uniforms for students of the following: • Taekwondo • Karate • Judo and Aikido • Kung-fu • Ninja • Belts
2. Protective gears and sparring gears • Head gear • Hand gear • Foot gear • Chest guard • Shin guard
3. Weapons • Practice swords • Escrimas • Weapons cases • Weapons stand • Knives • Bo's and staffs • Kubotan
4. Training gear • Breaking boards • Mats • Conditioning gears - hand grips, double end ball • Hand held pads -mitts and arm shield • Heavy bags
5. Boxing equipments • Gloves • Cardio wraps • Jump rope • Leather speed ball
6. Exercise equipments • Medicine balls • Chin up bars • Heart rate monitor • Free weights • Ankle weights

by Christa Kowalczyk

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Looking to Develop that Perfect Golf Swing?

The perfect golf swing, it is the desire, the goal, the dream of any golf player whether you are playing golf as a hobby or as a pro. Hearing that sound, *thwack*, means you did it. It is the sound any golfer wants to hear after every drive. Yet, it is something that easily eludes any golfer; except maybe those playing as pros. So how does any golfer attain the elusive perfect golf swing? How can you attain that of a swing you can watch from the PGA golf tournament?
The PGA golf tournament is the pinnacle or the grandest stage that any professional golf player dreams to be in. The best of the best would compete here for pride and prestige. The PGA tour does not actually organize the major golf tournaments and events like the Ryder cup, and they are not the governing body for golf players in the United States, instead they organize the weekly events of golf tournaments in the United States. This is where golfers have the chance to enter the biggest events and tournaments. Watching a PGA golf tournament you will see the best golfers and watch in awe as they perform that perfect golf swing you are looking for.
To perform the perfect shot would mean that you can cover the greatest distance with perfect accuracy. And the first step to learn this is from professional golfers you can watch on a PGA golf tournament or other golf tournaments. They send the ball flying perfectly almost each every time. Basically learning and achieving that perfect shot boils down to one thing which is you. You can become your own teacher as long as you know what you want to achieve. Practice is everything and understanding how you should practice is the key to improve your swing. There are two main variables in your golf swing, first is the downswing. Bringing the club straight back in the takeaway phase as long as possible is the key to fixing your swing. Study the path of your golf club on the downswing and make the proper adjustments. Next is the clubface position. If the clubface is open then you need to tighten your grip; and if the clubface is closed then you need to loosen up a bit. When swinging, it is best to have someone watch your shot so that you can focus all your attention in performing the swing rather than observing your own shot. Then you can use the feedback of the observer to adjust your swing.
Practice makes perfect. Keep practicing your shots and be mindful of what to adjust in your swing. If you are having some difficulty in managing your shot and teaching yourself, you can grab a book about making the perfect shot. Once you get that perfect golf swing off, then it will become automatic. And who knows, after observing how the pros swing then practicing yours, you might just get a chance to join a PGA golf tournament with that perfect golf swing.

by David Benson

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Golf Tip to Improve Accuracy

I'm pretty sure that almost all golfers, like myself, enjoy hitting long drives. I'm sure you will concur with me that it feels awesome when you actually hit one right off the tee and it flies a long way down the fairway. But I must acknowledge, that even though I love to smack it long off the tee, I'm kind of pathetic when it comes to driving accuracy. And this regrettably impacts my score. So I decided to do some on-course examination. Most golf courses have fourteen holes that have fairways, and then there is four holes, that are par 3's, with little or no fairway. I chose to check how many of the fourteen fairways I could reach off the tee with my driver. I reckoned if I could hit nine or more fairways, I'd be faring pretty well. If I was only capable to hit between six to eight fairways, then I'd need to practice a bit. If I wound up hitting less than six, then I was going to have to truly overhaul my thinking and knuckle down and practice my driving accuracy.Driving result
The results were approximately what I calculated. I only hit six out of fourteen fairways. My score was 96. This result told me that I needed to practice a little bit more.
While playing, I also made a mark on my scorecard of where my golf ball landed on the fairway. I'd mark an L, whenever the ball was on the left side of the fairway. I'd mark a C, whenever the ball was near the center of the fairway, and I'd mark an R, if the ball was on the right side of the fairway. Four out of my six hit fairways, were on the right side, and 2 were close to the center of the fairway. For my next practice session, I picked out the center of the fairway as my objective. I wanted my drives to land near the center. To achieve this, I discovered that my 5-wood was more accurate off the tee for me, and that my ball trajectory was a lot straighter.
So I played a different round, performing the same as before. This time I hit nine fairways, and five out of the nine, were close to the center, and I shot a 93.
I am not certain if I bettered my score by 3 because I was in the fairway or not, but I'm certain it added to it.
And so I'm working to continue to practice with my 5-wood, and meanwhile, I'm going to attempt to get more accurate with my 3-wood, so I can gain a bit more length as well. But this little examination aided me to ascertain that I need to improve my accuracy, and attempt to play a lot more target golf, by hitting the center of the fairway. I must say, it felt great to be playing more from the fairway.
Please give this tip a try yourself, and I hope that you'll receive similiar results. Driving accuracy equals lower score.

by Chris Mills

U.K. Football Top Players History And Teams

U.K. football has been around for nearly two hundred years, yet today it's more popular than ever. Football was actually invented in Europe in late 1863 with the formation of the Football Association.
U.K. Football stars David Beckham, Kevin Phillips and Ryan Giggs
David Beckham
English national football team midfielder David Beckham has become one of the best known U.K. football players. Thirty three year old Beckham has numerous awards and accolades for his football ability. Some of these awards include winning the British Sportsman of the Year Award in 2001 from the British Sports Writers' Association, UEFA Awards most valuable player in 1999 and PFA Young Player of the Year Award in 1997 to name a few. Going back to 1991, David signed on as a trainee for the Manchester United and today plays for Major League Soccer's Los Angeles Galaxy team. These days Beckham is known the world over not only for his contribution to U.K. football but for much more, including his acting roles.
Ryan Giggs
Born in Cardiff in 1973, Ryan Giggs has played for the Manchester United for the past eighteen years. Since beginning his career with Manchester United in 1992, Giggs has won nine Premier League winner's medals. Ryan is also a midfielder and is widely accepted as one of the best in U.K. football history. However, in 2007 he retired completely from international football.
Kevin Phillips
Aston Villa forward Kevin Phillips started off in football as a right back. His 30 FA Premier League goals during the 1999-2000 seasons for Sunderland won him the European Golden Boot. Although he has suffered injuries and has bounced around to many teams, he is still regarded as a fan favorite amongst U.K. Football fans.
History of Premier League Football
Premier League Football also known as the Barclays Premier League began in mid 2002 to revive and recover the failing U.K. Football image. Due to many soccer stadium riots and violence that brought shame to the entire nation, new rules, regulations and systems where put in place for U.K Football. English football had been banned for several years for its violence. Racial slurs and stadiums falling apart were also issues that were addressed and fixed with the Premier League formation. Since then, the Premier League has created a brand that sports fans around the world regularly watch.
Below is the list of the twenty Premier League teams.
Arsenal/Aston Villa/Blackburn Rovers/Bolton Wanderers/Chelsea/Everton/Fulham/Hull City/Liverpool/Manchester City/Manchester United/Middlesbrough/Newcastle United/Portsmouth/Stoke City/Sunderland/Tottenham Hotspur/West Bromwich/West Ham/Wigan Athletic
The Football League Championship (Also known as the Coca-Cola Football League Championship because Coca-Cola sponsors of the Championship and the two leagues.) is a division of the English football league system after the Premier League. It's also one of the biggest football leagues in Europe today. Team rankings are based upon goals scored, goal difference, and points gained. Teams play against other teams for a total of two times. One home game and then another away game is then played. Recently, BBC Radio 5 Live and The Football League Championship have teamed up to provide weekly podcast featuring U.K. Football content.
The twenty four Football League Championship teams
Barnsley/Birmingham City/Blackpool/Bristol City/Burnley/Cardiff City/Charlton Athletic/Coventry City/Crystal Palace/Derby County/Doncaster Rovers/Ipswich/Norwich City/Nottingham Forest/Plymouth Argyle/Preston North End/Queens Park Rangers/Reading/Sheffield United/Sheffield Wednesday/Southampton/Swansea City/Watford/Wolverhampton Wanderers.

What Is A Sports Injury?

Sports injuries are often defined as injuries that are incurred during the participation of a sporting activity or event. Although some sports injuries can be instantaneous, like a sudden break, most sports injuries are caused by the long-term overuse of a certain part of the body. For example, tennis and golfers elbow as well as runners knee are all sport injuries associated with their given activity, respectively tennis, golfing and running. This can also be considered a repetitive sprain injury or RSI. Other types of sports injuries can be caused by a hard contact with something such as a broken bone, torn ligament or tendon.
Many sport injuries occur in professional sports, but can happen among people who participate in recreational activities on a habitual yet casual basis.
What are the symptoms of sports injury?
The symptoms and signs of sports injury can be relative to the type of injury and where it occurred. An example of this would be the pain associated with a sudden break or sprain. If the break occurred in the ankle area, you will mostly likely experience, soreness, discomfort, swelling and in some cases, bruising or bleeding in the area of injury. Other common symptoms of sport injury include, anteriolateral shin splints, where pain is localized around the front of the shin. There are also in posteromedial shin splints, where pain is felt on the inner part of the shins and can spread to the knee. Fractures, lower back pain, tennis and golfers elbow, swelling shooting and stabbing pains in the arms, neck, back, thighs or feet can all occur with sports injury.
What causes sport injury?
Sports injuries can be classified as either traumatic or overuse injuries. Most traumatic injuries can occur in high impact sports like soccer, hockey and football. These injuries can range from bruises and muscle strains, to fractures, head injuries and bone breaks. Overuse injuries are caused by repetitive motions and can be found in activities like volleyball, tennis, golf, jogging, gymnastics or other supposed lower impact sports. You can prevent sports injuries through correct warm-up (at least 15 minutes) that include stretching all areas of the body, to be followed by a proper warm down afterwards.
Will Painwave X4000 Help with Sports Injury?
Yes! The Painwave X4000 is a non-invasive, drug-free pain management system that can speed healing and help with the pain associated with sports injuries. Unlike other methods of pain relief, the Painwave X4000 does not 'block' pain signals to the brain, instead it works in concert with the body's own bioelectromagnetic ecosystem. This is one of the reasons why the Painwave X4000 has no side effects. To use the device, simply move it over the surface of the skin in a small circular motion. In time, the Painwave X4000 will improve circulation, cell activity and lymphatic movements. This can be especially beneficial in the relief of pain and other discomforts. In many cases, this stimulation will greatly reduce or eliminate pain for good.
Note: The contents provided in this article are for informational purposes only and shouldn't be used to diagnose a sports injury. If you feel you have pain associated with a sports injury, visit your local doctor office for a medical evaluation and testing.

by Annette Badowski

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Sports Injuries May Cause Increase in Traumatic Brain Injuries

Sports Injuries May Cause Increase in Traumatic Brain Injuries
Professional athletes are paid to win, to entertain, to train and, at times, to endure the brunt of much physical abuse because of their profession. However, several recent studies and news outlets have reported an increasingly disturbing number of athletes, both professional and non-professional, developing traumatic brain injuries (TBI) as related to concussions. These injuries may be going untreated and could leave an injured athlete with severe TBI side effects. A study is being conducted by the Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy at the Boston University's School of Medicine to determine long-term side effects of continued head trauma including concussions. According to articles from The New York Times, several National Football League (NFL) players have recently decided to leave their brains to the university for study of brain damage and the long-term effects of sports-related concussions. The article noted that the study has confirmed that at least five NFL players, who have recently died, have had damage to their brains that is usually only found in professional boxers. The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) in New Zealand is also attempting to reduce the likelihood of long-term TBI side effects for rugby players, which is an extremely popular pastime and has been deemed Australia's national sport. The association has even developed a continual research project on rugby players and their injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, known as the Rugby Injury and Performance Project (RIPP). The organization is trying to better treat concussions and side effects, because concussions in professional sports, are often overlooked and inadequately treated. Recognizing Symptoms of Brain Injury Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) urge family, friends and victims to watch for the following signs and symptoms of TBI after a head injury or trauma has occurred to the brain. The symptoms include: * blood or clear fluid from nose or ears* ringing in the ears* loss of smell or taste* convulsions or seizures* sudden onset of fixed stares* size of pupils become very different (larger or smaller)* difficulty walking* blurred vision, double vision* vomiting or nausea within 1 to 2 hours after injury* feelings of exhaustion, difficulty walking up* continued headaches* continued neck pain* behavioral or personality changesTBI Treaments The Boston University study is also attempting to look at the long-term effects of leaving TBI untreated and the potential treatments for long-term TBI side effects. Studies have found that individuals suffering from hidden brain injury may show additional signs that can be easily overlooked including * headaches* loss of balance* dizziness* sleep disruptionsUnfortunately, there is currently a strong lack of scientific research regarding long-term effects for TBI untreated, researchers have found that the following can be derived as potential TBI side effects: * depression, often sever* suicidal thoughts, actions and tendencies* cognitive disabilities* mood disordersMedical Organizations Assisting with TBI As researchers continue to find better treatments and technologies for assisting brain-injured victims it will become increasingly important for individuals who participate in sports to be aware of potential signs of brain injury or concussion. Friends and family of athletes should also know the signs and symptoms of TBI and contact health professionals if TBI is suspect. The following are a list of medical organizations nationally recognized as providing assistance to TBI victims, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS): * Brain Injury Association of America* Family Caregiver Alliance/National Center on Caregiving* National Stroke Association* Acoustic Neuroma Association* Brain Trauma Foundation* National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)* National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)It is also advisable that a TBI victim contact an experienced traumatic brain injury law firm to better understand the potential for developing a TBI lawsuit to increase the chances of receiving monetary compensation for the costly medical bills associated with traumatic brain injury treatments.

by Peter Kent

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

All Beginning Golfers Can Improve

When you are new to playing the game of golf it can be hard to know what is important to do in order to improve your game. Many beginning golfers concentrate on learning about how to play the game and how to swing well. This is obviously very important but there are many other aspects that you need to take care of as well.
When you are new to playing the game of golf it can be hard to know what is important to do in order to improve your game. Many beginning golfers concentrate on learning about how to play the game and how to swing well. This is obviously very important but there are many other aspects that you need to take care of as well. By looking at these other aspects, you can put yourself ahead of many other players.
Many people, even more long term players, tend to ignore their health and fitness. You need to remember that golf is a sport and if you want to play well then you need to look after your body. Athletes in other sports stick to a strict diet and exercise regime and although you will be unlikely to want to take things this seriously, it is important to remember that your overall condition can help your game.
It is a good idea to keep fit and make sure that you strengthen your muscles between games. Just do some gentle exercise, even if it is just walking, to keep yourself supple and if possible do some more energetic exercise. It is also a good idea to do some specific golf stretches to lengthen and increase the flexibility in the muscles that you use when you swing.
However, as a beginning golfer you may find it hard to find the energy to do golf exercises and stretches in between games as you may need to be resting up your muscles. Therefore by making sure that you are eating healthily you can help yourself in a different way.
If you want to maximize your energy then you need to eat foods which realize energy slowly into the blood stream. Imagine playing a game of golf having eating something with fast release energy such as a chocolate bar. You will feel great for the first few holes but as time goes on the energy will be all used up and you will feel sluggish and tired during the part of the game when you need it most.
If you eat some complex carbohydrates such as whole meal bread, brown rice or whole wheat pasta with some low fat protein such as fish, beans or white meat and a couple of portions of vegetables then you will not only get a healthy meal but you will also have enough energy to keep you going right through the game.
If you tend to suffer from low blood sugar or your games go on for a long time then you might like to take a banana to snack on while you are playing to keep up your blood sugars and energy levels.
This should give you a much more consistent energy boost than eating a sugary snack or taking a caffeine drink. Doing these things will hopefully keep you one step ahead of the other beginning golfers as well as possibly some of the more experienced ones as well.
by Mike Schlacter