sport world

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Are You in Search of the Best Putting Technique?

Golfers around the world use so many different techniques for putting. In fact, there are several tactics that golfers swear by during putting, and for some, these tricks work like magic. But for both amateur and pro golfers, putting is often a very difficult process indeed.
Add to this the fact that once putting is supposedly perfected, one can excel in golf. There are as many putting strokes as there are golfers, but only certain strokes achieve the desired goal. For example, hundreds of golfers around the world close their eyes while putting; many others concentrate on the hole they're aiming at, rather than the ball.
There are certain basic tips of putting that all golfers should remember, so read on for three very important ones to remember. If you can master these, no one can stop you from becoming an expert!
1. The first technique to master is how the gripping technique. To improve on putting, you'll have to practice two grips, the first being the conventional or normal one, and the second being the cross handed grip. In the latter gripping position, your left hand is to be kept below the right, which keeps your wrists tight and strong when you hit the shot. This position also helps the stroke by keeping the club face square.
2. The second important technique to concentrate on is the line along which you hit the stroke. The right stroke that qualifies for successful putting is when it is hit along a straight line and at a smooth angle. There are two ways whereby you could improve on your line. The first is preferred by most golfers, and says that during the hit, the club face must be positioned at a square angle from the line. The second way to improve your putt is by hitting a closed stroke instead of an open one. For those golfers who prefer the cross handed stroke to the normal one, keeping the club face square is the technique that will suit them.
3. Being a golfer means having to stand in the arena all day, and therefore a lot depends on how well you are able to understand the environment you're in. many golfers have good stroke sense, but lose out owing to their inability to assess the greens. While putting, the trick is to gauge the distance your shot has to cover in order to get to the highest point. Missed putts also occur when golfers don't play break shots.
4. To start off, begin your practice with 4-footer putts, till you get the hang of it. Besides helping you get the perfect shot, this will also make you comfortable when you're out to hit those big shots.
Putting is difficult, there's no doubt about that. It pays to practice hitting with the sweet spot on your club, which is the middle of the club; rather than calculating what shot will get you where. Concentration and patience will definitely get you the best shot; hit right through the sweet spot on your club to just the point you want it to.

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