sport world

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Basic Boxing Punches

Boxing requires that you are able to move well, keep your hands up, stay strong throughout the game, and be tougher if your opponent is tough. But most of all, boxing requires you to learn how to thrown a punch properly. Below are the things you must first learn:
Straight - A straight punch is the quickest and most direct way to hit an opponent. Since it can be executed on the traditional stance, a boxer can use a straight punch at his disposal - more often than any other type of heavy punches in his arsenal. A straight punch is also the strongest and the most preferred knockout punch by many boxers.
It usually targets the head of the opponent and provides a fairly good amount of damage when set up by a job or used in combos. A (right/left) straight punch is also known as a (right/left) cross punch since it is thrown from the chin that produces a crossing motion across the body. A straight punch is usually thrown by the rear hand with power. When it follows a jab, this move is called the "one-two" combination.
Hook - There is no exact opposite to straight but hook is probably it. If a straight punch normally goes right in the middle of the face, a hook is usually aimed at the chin. A hook can only be done effectively by swinging the arm in a horizontal arc. It is best when set up by a jab and followed by an uppercut or another hook. It possesses a knockout power.
Uppercut - An uppercut is considered to be the most dangerous punch in boxing since it is the least used punch and thus the least practiced punch to avoid. It is a vertical punch that rises when thrown and usually targets the chin and torso. Uppercuts can be set up with a jab or thrown in combination.
It is the most effective punch to use during "inside fighting" or when boxers are close to one another. When executed properly, an uppercut can severely inflict great damage to your opponent. The manner which an uppercut is done is like curling your arm to pick up a bucket of water.
Jab - I have mentioned this last for a reason. Jab, while it is the least powerful, is the most important punch than any other punches known to boxing world. I didn't make this one up. The great Mohammad Ali used jabs more than 90% of the time. If jabs are the low-power boxing punches, how can it become the most important?
Jab has several purposes: it wears down the opponent gradually, it gives him a little sting, it keeps him away from you, and it can be used to set up stronger punches. In other words, jabs can be used both as an offense and as a defense.
A single punch is not enough to bring your opponent to the canvas. Once you learn the basic punches, you need to learn how to use it properly. Combination is crucial as it allows you to throw several punches, which increases the odds of hitting your opponent.
In theory a boxer should be able to thrown several punches in succession without losing his balance. By learning different combinations, not only you throw punches, you also throw it without making yourself vulnerable by your lack of balance.

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Basics Of Professional Boxing

More than anything else, professional boxing was inspired by sheer love for manly fights and the price. Thus, the term "prizefighting".
The popularity of professional boxing begun in 18th century England where the working classes were the first avid fans and participants. It grew on until boxing caught the attention of top-hatted gentlemen and royalty. Today, professional boxing bouts are held around the globe where champions are drafted from various countries.
Scoring system In professional boxing, unlike in amateur boxing, score is awarded based on the 10-point must system. This means that the three ringside judges should award the maximum number of points to the boxer who displayed better exchanges during a round while the loser for each round only gets 9 points. The scores are tallied on score cards which are totaled at the end of the fight. However, this may be skipped in case of a knockout (where one boxer receives a hard blow and is not able to stand up before the count of 10) or when there is a technical knockout (where the game is stopped by the referee due to various reasons).
Scoring Scores are awarded based on the cleanliness of the punches, the defensive tactics the boxer uses and the display of effective aggressiveness. As it is, the scoring system is subject to lack of objectivity which often gives rise to questionable results.
Each knockdown deducts one point from the boxer who fell and penalties are awarded if the rules are infringed. On very serious violations, the game can be stopped and the violator can be disqualified.
As was earlier mentioned, scores are tallied at the end of the fight. If all the scorecards agree, the winner gets a "unanimous decision". It is a "split decision" when the winner only wins two scorecards. If the scores are tied, the decision is draw and it is still a draw if one judge picks a victor and the other two gave tied scores. However this time, it is called a "majority draw".
Rounds Professional boxing fights can last for as long as 12 rounds of 3 minutes each and as short as 4 rounds for less experienced fighters. However, prior to 1982, professional boxing can last for as long as 15 pounds. The accidental death of the boxer Duk Koo Kim during a 15-round fight with Ray Mancini forced professional boxing organizations to trim down the rounds to only 12 rounds.
Weights Weights in professional boxing can sometimes get confusing and for each weight, there could be further subdivisions that add more categories of fighters and champions alike. Below are the more common weight divisions in professional boxing:
Minimumweight Light Flyweight Flyweight Super Flyweight Bantamweight Super Bantamweight Featherweight Super Featherweight Lightweight Light Welterweight Welterweight Light Middleweight Middleweight Super Middleweight Light Heavyweight Cruiserweight Super-cruiserweight, and Heavyweight
Other weight divisions include Strawweight, Jr. Flyweight, Jr. Bantamweight, Jr. Featherweight, Jr. Lightweight, Jr. Welterweight, and Jr. Middleweight.
Champions and Belt Holders Due to the variety of professional boxing organizations like IBF, WBA and WBC and WBO, it is hard to determine which among the top ranking fighter and belt-holders are the champions. Currently though, there is no one governing body that could really produce champions.
There are, however, title holders, titlists and belt-holders and each sanctioning body, as they are often called, have different parameters for determining who the title holders are and who the mandatory challengers are.

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

4 Secret Steps For Increasing Motivation While Training On The Punch Bags

Training on the punch bags for fitness training, health, weight loss, and boxing has very astounding effects on one's body. You can reduce your chance of getting cancer, lose weight which helps you to look good, feel good, and reduce your chance of heart disease, as well as fighter training to defend yourself and/or perform in an upcoming match.
However, if you're like me, you purchased a heavy bag and a 3-arm powerstation and put it in your basement. Even if you go to the gym, you train on the boxing bag alone.
After doing this for months, years, you might find that training is boring. Of course, if you're so passionate about boxing and training for a fight, this won't be the case. However, for most of us, we're using the punch bags to lose weight, fitness training, strength training, and endurance. In this case, training on the punching bag in your basement or even at the gym can be very difficult due to boredom.
4 secret steps for increasing motivation while working out, losing weight, or training on the boxer bag all revolve around making fitness training and boxing training fun!
The first key is to always feel energized. You can do this by listening to music. Play your favorite songs while training. Just get an ipod or similar device and take it with you to the gym or in your personal dungeon.
The second secret for increasing motivation is to write down your goals. When you train on the punch bags for fitness purposes or for boxing training, ask yourself: why am I doing this? What is my goal? If your goal is to get a killer body, write down smaller mini-goals and treat yourself say, once every 2 weeks when you make progress. Always look at yourself in the mirror and flex! This will help keep you motivated.
The third secret step for increasing motivation while working out, losing weight or training on the punching bag is to change it up. Changing it up is very important for many aspects of life because we are not machines as we like to think. Whether this be for university exams, dieting, weight loss, boxing training, heavy bag tactics, etc, changing it up is important. This will keep you from getting bored. If you train at home all the time, try going to the gym twice or three times a week. You'll get out of your house, see people at the gym, and be in a different environment. This is very important for keeping your motivation and fun level high.
The fourth and last secret step for having fun and keeping your motivation high while you're doing some boxing bag training is to find someone who has a similar interest in you to speak with. Having a friend that you can share goals, interests and research with is very important to keep your motivation high. For instance, if you meet someone at the boxing gym who is also training on the punch bags, go and talk to him or her! It's likely he or she is training for a similar reason you are. By having a buddy, this will definitely help you to stay on track and stay motivated. Social support is all important, you don't want to be a hermit.
I hope my 4 secret steps for increasing motivation while working out, losing weight, or training on the heavy bag make fitness training, weight loss, and boxing training fun, motivational and enjoyable for you.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Are You Ready To Start Vertical Jump Training

When you reach the point when you decide to try to increase your vertical jump, you will need to determine how you stand physically. This is so you will know what you need to be doing when you start your program. There is a correct starting point for your level of fitness and you do not want to be spinning your wheels doing the wrong things.
Have you already been doing dead lifts and squats to build up a good base of strength? Can you squat at least 1½ times your body weight? If you want to make some really good improvements, those would be good starting points. If someone is not able to squat 1½ times their body weight they will make some progress when they go into explosive strength training but they will not reach their full potential.
Your weight can have a significant impact on your jumping ability. If you have too much excess weight, you will need to reduce your body fat level. Reducing your body fat level to below 10% or more and increasing the muscle mass will make a big difference. Adding aerobic exercises can help reduce the excess fat and improve your cardiovascular system.
When you start doing plyometric exercises for the legs, realize that this will be a new shock to the system. Plyometrics will be stressful to the joints and to the body in general and having done your squats and dead lifts will have prepared you for this. It is better that these exercises not be done more than a couple times per week at first, this will give the body time to recover between workouts. For someone that is injury prone, extra care needs to be taken. After you have been doing plyometrics for awhile, you can add another day.
Following a good vertical training program would be the best thing for anyone who desires to jump higher. You just need to be aware of where you are in the beginning so you can start your program correctly.

วันพุธที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

To Keeping Your Mental Focus

Tell me if this has ever happened to you...You've prepared and practiced for hours before game day. You've done all the exercises and training you know how to do. This game is the most important one of the season. You're ready to roll.You arrive on the court...and suddenly you break out in a sweat. Nothing in your life has ever been so important as THIS GAME.But the more you think about it, the more you realize that there's so much riding on this that you don't know if you've practiced enough after all. If only there was one more day to put in some time and effort.As the game starts, you miss shot after shot. You trip on your shoelaces. You fumble the ball. No matter what you try, you just can't get into the zone.The coach shakes his head at you in disgust, and by the time the game is over, you're banging your head with frustration. What went wrong?Unfortunately, this is all too common on the performance field. Learning to keep a cool head and a collected game may be the most important skill you develop for game day.And there are actually professionals who have studied this very field-the field of sports psychology-extensively. No other experts know better what to do to address those issues-game day issues.Here's one tip...Never forget that practicing and performing are two different things. On game day, forget about judging how it's going. Technical judgements are over by this time-it's time to keep your focus on what's important, and that's the game. If you're having trouble focusing, look at something that has no judgment associated with it: the spin of the basketball, the color of your jersey; until you're able to get back into the flow.The Jump Manual just came out with some awesome interviews, including Patrick Cohn's expert advice after being 20 years in the field, and (sh, it's a secret) just recently, the great Timothy Gallwey's advice on playing the Inner Game. These folks will let YOU know how to overcome the most challenging frontier we as athletes have to face, our own brain.

วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Improve My Vertical - 4 Important Factors to Jumping Higher

Has this been on your mind lately? "I want to know how to improve my vertical." Performing jumping exercises is a key element to learn how to jump higher, but it is not everything. There is more to learn to really improve your vertical.
Strength - You probably already guessed this one. To be able to propel yourself into the air, you need strong muscles. Many do not realize that strength is measured by how rapidly the muscle strands react when used and how many muscle fibers are actually used during a muscle contraction. To react with the force your muscles need to jump higher, they need to be trained that way.
Quickness - To get major air, you need to be quick. Strength and quickness combined is what causes the explosiveness you need to force your body up. To fulfill your mission of how to improve my vertical you have to have both. A great type of jumping exercise that uses both quickness and strength is plyometrics. Using plyometric exercises correctly will help increase vertical by training your muscles to use the built up elasticity to speed up and reinforce the muscle contraction.
Flexibility - Flexibility is a must if you want to jump higher. Flexibility allows greater muscle contraction by reducing resistance from opposing muscles. It also reduces the chance for injury which is very important. Flexibility allows for greater range of motion.
Energy - Your body needs fuel to perform. Jumping exercises are great at strengthening your muscles, but it takes energy to make them perform properly. Chances are you probably already eat OK if you are an athlete. You don't have to completely change your diet. Make sure you get plenty of protein and complex carbohydrates. Your muscles need protein to grow. As far as carbs are concerned, they are used by the body to create energy. If you don't have enough in your diet, your body will find other sources, such as muscle mass. You certainly don't want that.
These are only four aspects of several that can help you reach your full potential. If you are telling yourself, "I still want to know more about how to increase my vertical," you can.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The World of Formula 1

Formula One is one of the world's widest sports. The F1 circuit takes F1 drivers to literally every continent, and F1 results are followed in virtually every tongue. Still based largely in Europe, Asia and Latin America have discovered the sport in recent years. Yet even while countries like Bahrain and Malaysia have picked up the event, F1 Grand Prix tickets and F1 merchandise items are hardly the money makers they once were in the United States. Here's an introduction to the world of Formula One racing. The F1 circuit is typically eighteen races, with about half the races in Europe. In the sport's early years almost all the events were in the UK or on the Continent, with a single event typically reserved for the US' legendary Indianapolis Motor Speedway in the State of Indiana. As the major centers for both F1 drivers and constructors, the UK, Germany and Italy are regular European hosts. In recent years the sport has grown in popularity in the Middle East and much of Asia-India has a constructor team and is regularly on the circuit, so too Abu Dhabi and especially Turkey. In East Asia, the peninsula home to Malaysia and Singapore is to be found on the F1 results sheet more than other countries in the region, though South Korea and Japan have also hosted events. Even still, the Americas-for many other sports a major market and source of talent-have been a mixed bag for Formula One. F1 Grand Prix tickets used to be hot items in the States, but while US dates were a regular fixture on the F1 circuit, they are now sporadic. Indeed, the Americas are one of the few places F1 merchandise isn't readily recognized. The exceptions to this might be Canada-which hosts a regular Grand Prix event-as well as Brazil, one of the sports newest and most intense fan bases. Because of its international status, Formula One is an elite sport with F1 tickets and F1 merchandise valued at hundreds of millions of pounds every year. F1 drivers know that the F1 circuit is a grueling affair, taking them to time zones far from home, their F1 results being scrutinized on the opposite side of the world. Wherever you live-the UK or Kathmandu-check out Formula One today!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Formula One Racing - An Introduction to the Fastest Sport

Most Brits know that football is the most popular sport in the world, but auto racing-in particular Formula One auto racing, isn't much far behind. Last year, each Formula One race captured the attention of an average 600 million viewers. The great Formula One drivers count themselves among the most famous, richest men in the world. By some metrics, former Formula One stud Michael Schumacher is the highest grossing athlete of all time. Now, one of our own-Brit Lewis Hamilton-has the holds the distinct honour of being the Formula One driver's champion. There is good reason for the popularity of Formula One racing: it is fast paced, exciting, and seemingly death-defying. Formula One drivers race around "circuits" at speeds upwards of 220 miles per hour, at times pulling up to five g-forces. The cars are truly state of the art. These open wheeled, single-seaters have light-as-a-feather carbon fibre composite bodies, but are capable of an astonishingly powerful 18,000 rpm. During Formula One season, drivers participate in a series of races called the Grands Prix. At each race, the driver is awarded points base on his finish. A first place finisher, for instance, receives ten points while the eighth place finisher only receives one point. Formula One results and standings can be viewed at Formula One's official website, but Formula One isn't just about the driver-it's also about the "constructors." These are the men and women who actually build the Formula One racecar chassis-a requirement in Formula One racing that doesn't exist in other series. Ferrari, the venerable Italian outfit, has won the constructor's championship two years running. The Brits have always proudly been major players in F1. Since the beginning of Formula One racing in 1950, only two courses have been part of the Grands Prix every single year and one of them is the British Grands Prix, which is held at the Silverstone Circuit near the village of Silverstone in Northamptonshire. Lewis Hamilton triumphed at Silverstone last year in 2008. Formula One racing is popular, local, and exciting. Head directly to online to buy tickets to a Grand Prix event, and when you're sufficiently hooked, head there again to buy all of your Formula One merchandise.

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Formula One - The Comeback of Michael Schumacher

Ferrari has been forced with the prospects of finding a driver smack dab in the middle of the 2009 Formula One season. After looking around at the available drivers, the team has looked inward and settled on the iconic Michael Schumacher.
Michael Schumacher is the iconic F1 driver that won an astounding seven driver's championships during his reign in Formula One. He was first victorious twice at Benetton where he teamed with the likes of characters like Ross Brawn to take an independent team to victory. He then made a big money move to the iconic team of Formula One - Ferrari. Ferrari was in shambles, but Schumacher brought in his own people such as Ross Brawn, Rory Byrne and a host of engineers. Before you knew it, Ferrari was not only competitive, they were dominant and Schumacher was collecting championships like they grew on trees.
Schumacher retired at the end of the 2006 season. The circumstances of his retirement have always been hotly debated. For all the world, it looks like he and his people were pushed out the door at Ferrari in a power struggle. Although Schumacher remained a consultant, the likes of Byrne, Brawn and Jean Todt moved on. It is rather ironic that now it is Schumacher coming in to attempt to save the day for the team given the fractured skull suffered by Felipe Massa in the Hungarian Grand Prix.
The return of Schumacher is being hailed as something akin to the return of the chosen one. The media is debating whether he will be able to win right away in the Ferrari. Such discussions are laughable. The issue is not so much Schumacher as it is the Ferrari car. The 2009 car hasn't challenged for wins all year. It simply is not fast enough and does not handle well enough. Putting a different driver, even of the quality of Schumacher, does not change these problems. People need to simply enjoy the fact he is back and recognize that a bad car is a bad car is a bad car.
Formula One has become a bit because of the lack of personalities. The return of Schumacher will certainly spice things up. I can hardly wait for the first time he comes up on Rubens Barichello and runs him off the road!

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

3 Keys to Running a Youth Football Practice

Managing a youth football team can be a challenge, add in teaching them athletic skills - sometimes can be next to impossible. Some adults can jump right in and gain the respect and devotion of the kids, while others have great intentions - but should really stick with being the supportive spectator on the sidelines. There are 3 key components to every practice for youth football: conditioning, drills, and scrimmaging. Incorporating these components will ensure a successful practice every time.
Conditioning is most important in the beginning of the season. The best conditioned your team is the more endurance they will have during a game - and the 4th quarter won't seem so long winded. Muscle wrap-ups, sprints and resistance training are all important to optimizing the body's performance. Drills are essential for teaching the basics of any sport, especially football. Repetitious drills can create muscle memory and be the difference between good players and great players. Scrimmaging allows the players to demonstrate their newly acquired skills to the coaches and show areas that need improvement. Scrimmages should be run with comments (good or bad) after each play; this gives the players immediate feedback and allows them to process their actions.
Practices should not be equally divided into conditioning, skills and scrimmages. The levels of the players and where you are at during the season should dictate how much time is spent on each area. For example, you would spend more time on conditioning at the beginning of the season and less on scrimmaging; and towards the end of the season it would be reversed.
Practices are meant to condition the athlete for endurance during games, build on their techniques through various drills, and allow them to put the pieces together before the big game during a scrimmage. Practice is essential for a successful youth football season.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Manchester City - Premier League Champions 2009/10?

"Adebayor up front with Carlos Tevez - unbelievable! And they have Roque Santa Cruz and Robinho too. What a strike force! That's it, [Manchester] City are champions for sure."
This is what Jose Mourinho had to say late last week when asked where he thinks the Premier League title will end up come May 2010. Experience tells us that when Mourinho speaks, remember to add salt. A lot of it. If you happen to be a fan of a rival club, however, make sure you have something for your blood pressure.
However, before this is written off as a typically controversial Mourinho sound bite designed to rile a few of his heavyweight peers, it may be worth taking a closer look at the activity going on at Manchester City. I mean, could a team come from beneath the 'Top 4' and claim the title? Could a side that has spent over thirty years in the shadow of their red rivals sprint to the finishing line first?
I've heard it mentioned that it's been done before...and recently too, but the Chelsea 'model' was completely different. Yes, they spent big but they were already a firm fixture in the top 4 and their Premier League success was arguably more Mourinho-related (as much as it pains me to say) rather than anything to do with a summer of epic transfer activity. Being part of the Top 4 furniture really cannot be underestimated and it's taken for granted that the League winner will always come from one of Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester United or Chelsea. However, with high profile departures from each of these clubs either rumoured or confirmed it seems now is as good a time as any for a team outside of the hierarchy to clinch the title. Having said that, my money would still be on one of Aston Villa or Everton or Spurs making that leap. Here's why.
Their players
Yes, City have spent big and yes they have bought some stellar names but make no mistake - if any of the top 4 had really wanted to buy those players, they would have. Take Carlos Tevez for example. Manchester United had him for two years and despite the old Trafford faithful taking them to their hearts, their support for Tevez and his work rate was more a condemnation of the collective lack of 'effort' shown by Ronaldo and Berbatov. The question for United was, should they pay £25M to keep the supporters happy or should they cut their losses and hope the fans keep their trust in the manager? There was only ever going to be one outcome and with some of the comments made by Tevez since, it would seem to be the shrewd one. Ok, who else. Adebayor? A Mercenary of the highest order and one that the Arsenal faithful were happy to see leave. Adebayor will undoubtedly make City a better team but not a Premier League winning one, he is also not the 'Marquee' signing the owners are desperate to make. Ok, Barry? A good signing definitely, but a Premier League winning one? No chance. Barry has cemented his place in the English starting 11 in the past 18 months but there are plenty of players in the Premiership who can lay claim to being at least his equal. Most of these players reside at teams within the top 4! City really needs a Messi or a Kaka to really strike fear into the hearts of their opponents.
Their rivals
On paper, it's looking rosy for City and by the time the league kicks off they could have another batch of superstars in place, but the teams ahead of them are in pretty decent shape as the kickoff looms ever closer...
Despite Losing Ronaldo, Manchester United has started pre-season on fire. And, as I've said time and time again - their strength in recent years has been their defense and this doesn't look like changing anytime soon. Whilst Arsenal have lost Adebayor to City, I feel their firepower will keep them up around the top of the league - Van Persie is due an injury free spell, Eduardo looks ready to take the step up and Arshavin's four-goal salvo against Liverpool last season has already made him an Emirates favourite. Over at Stamford Bridge, we have seen a relatively quiet summer, but the acquisition of Carlo Ancelotti as their new boss has the potential to be a masterstroke, the only question that remains is where their focus lies. It's no secret that their owner craves Champions League glory over further Premier League success. However, they have too many match-winners (Lampard, Drogba etc) to drop out of the top 4 in the coming season. And finally, Liverpool - with Ronaldo gone, it seems more than likely that Torres will take on the mantle of 'most feared attacker' in the league and if him and Gerrard stay fit, I can't see Manchester city getting within 15 points of them.
So there we go. It may seem damning but I'm only attempting to lay down some perspective. City will ruffle some feathers this season and will be a match for anyone on their day (especially at home) but the best City fans can hope for from a league perspective is for their team to blur the boundaries between the top 4 and the rest. For that to happen they will need to take points off the big boys and hope a few others do too. But win the league? No chance. They won't even make the Top 4...

วันพุธที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Owen to Man Utd

Amid the financial insanity taking place on the east side of Manchester (have you seen the wages these people are getting?), a 29 year-old signed for Manchester United on July 3rd. A 29 year-old Englishman...
A 29 year-old Englishman called Michael Owen.
Did you see that one coming? I definitely didn't. 8 years ago, as he single-handedly robbed Arsenal of FA Cup glory and helped Liverpool to a cup treble, the thought of him ever joining his Northwest rivals seemed as likely as Prince Harry serving you in McDonalds. Yet, here we are in pre-season and Owen has scored on his debut wearing the number 7 of Manchester United. I'm going to try and delve into the thinking of Sir Alex Ferguson and look at the potential for the 'Boy Wonder' in the current United set-up.
Cristiano Ronaldo's sale £80m sale to Real Madrid should have automatically put United onto the frontline in the summer transfer war - especially when you consider that the money was paid in one lump sum up front. However, United seem to be playing a different game this summer, possibly bitten by the poor form of Berbatov after his £30M move last august. Ferguson knows better than anyone that big money doesn't guarantee success (Is it too cruel to mention Juan Sebastian Veron? Oh dear, too late....) and also knows the benefit of purchasing elder statesman (Cantona, Sheringham, and Larsson). But 'injury prone' Michael Owen? Surely a team of United's stature should be looking above and beyond this type of capture. Surely Owen was destined to join Hull City or perhaps Everton. Surely United would swoop to capture Ribery or Benzema. Evidently not. Scratch at the surface though and it this bizarre piece of business has the potential to be a masterstroke...
It's no secret that United have built their entire side around Ronaldo for the past three seasons and incredibly for a winger-cum-striker he was never injured. As a result, the rest of the team lived to serve him. His responsibility was huge; Penalties and free kicks were all under his control and he was the 'go to' man whenever United needed a winner. Its success was huge, Ronaldo scored 66 league goals as United were crowned Premier League champions 3 seasons running. Away from Ronaldo though, goals were not as plentiful as the Old Trafford faithful have come to expect and a lot of their success was down to their defensive strength and the emergence of Vidic as one of the best centre-backs in the world. However, it was always a case of when, not if, Ronaldo would up-sticks and make the move to Madrid.
Ferguson knows that it is now time for other players to shoulder the responsibility relinquished by Ronaldo and for Owen to benefit from the end product. The fluid formation used to get the best from Ronaldo (it can be argued that Man Utd have played without a striker for at least 2 years) would need to be discarded. Avid Spurs fans will tell you that Berbatov was in his element dropping deep and looking for runners ahead of him. The problem at United last season was that when he dropped deep, he often had the company of his team mates around or behind him - not ahead. The mere presence of Owen on the field suddenly makes Berbatov a more dangerous proposition and gives Owen the type of service he craved at Newcastle United.
Ronaldo's departure also gives Wayne Rooney the opportunity to step up too. Ronaldo's stellar form has undoubtedly pushed the great talent of English football to the periphery of the newspaper headlines in the past couple of years, yet seasoned viewers at Old Trafford will tell you of a player who has matured but yet still has that incredibly aggressive spark and a huge talent for the game. It seems Ferguson's lack of transfer activity could be because he believes he already has the replacements bedded in at Old Trafford and that Michael Owen is there to apply the finishing touch.
So will Owen be a success? Only time will tell, but as a piece of business it looks risk-free and Ferguson knows that at the very least he has players around him desperate to prove themselves good enough. I'm predicting goals galore at Old Trafford this season and fully expect them to be the league's top scorers in May 2010.

วันอังคารที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Looking for Tips: Horse Racing

Are you looking for fee betting tips? Horse racing is full of sweet tips for those looking for them. But before you start thinking your about to make big bucks at the track, you need to know there is no such thing as a sure thing. What you really need is a system that is long range. Horse racing is gambling no matter how good your "tip" is or how long you having been placing wagers. A solid betting system will allow for losses but have a strategy for winning in the long run. It will encourage you to place bets while keeping track of your wagers. It takes discipline to make any profits at the horse track. Placing bets based on gut instinct is not a good idea. You don't want to get caught up in the hype of the track and place bets without all the information. This is why systems work so well. This system will give you tips on placing the bets while keeping you from making unnecessary risky bets. Betting on horse racing is supposed to be fun, and what is more fun than winning? While there is no guaranteed bet, a good horse racing system provides information on the horses, the jockey, and the track. With this you can filter the "tips" and "sure things" through proven techniques and strategies increasing your win loss ratio. If you really want to make some extra cash at the horse races, find a good betting system and stick to it. Systems make betting easier and more profitable. Just be leery of those which promise risk free betting and stick to the ones which offer a satisfaction guarantee. Learn the system and place wagers with the confidence that comes from knowing you know what you are doing.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Perfect Your Putter Grip? List of Popular Putting Styles

For those who have played golf for a few years, it is common knowledge that it is a game where you need to concentrate a lot on the details. Even things like the brand of the golf ball that you are playing with matters a lot when it comes to this game.
The golf grip stands as one of the most important aspects of the game. A major part of learning golf is devoted to mastering the right kind of grip.
In a golf match, about half of the strokes are devoted to putting and thus, it is imperative for you to devote complete attention to this part of your game. It is a major contributor to your score and if you want to be a good golf player, you must make sure that you practice putting will full enthusiasm and dedication.
There are a number of ways in which you can perfect your putter grip. After you learn the basics, you have to understand by yourself and with the help of your coach which grip suits your style of playing the game. Identifying the grip you are comfortable with and then working on it to become an expert of your kind of grip is one of the most important parts of learning the game.
Below is a list of the most popular putting styles that you need to be familiar with:
* The traditional overlap grip: This is by far the grip adopted by the maximum numbers of golf players. This grip consists of placing your left hand on the grip and resting the right hand just below the left. Once in this position, you need to connect both of your hands by covering the fingers of the right hand with the index finger of the left hand.
* The two fingers down grip: For this grip, you need to cover the putter grip with both of your hands. After you do this, you need to place the index fingers of both your hands in such a way that they point towards the putter grip.
* The Claw grip: This grip is considered by experts to be one of the most unusual grips in the game of golf. However, many golfers consider this to be a great grip whenever they face a putting problem. In this grip, you need to place the left hand on the grip and then the right hand above the putter grip. The final step consists of hooking the hand with the help of your right thumb.
* The left below hand grip: Another golfers' favorite, this grip is the exact opposite of the traditional putting grip. All you need to do is to inverse the positions of your right and left hand.
* The box grip: This is a relatively new kind of grip. It has emerged as the preferred kind of putting grip for a number of golfers after it came into being a few years ago. For this grip, you need to put both your hands side by side in order to make the shoulders level. Then, put your left hand on top of the putting grip and the right hand about an inch below it. This will create a box shape with your hands.
These are the most popular golf grips used by golfers around the world. On these basic grips, each golfer can add his or her own improvisation. So if you are a beginner, start off by going for the grip that suits your playing style best and then gradually improvise on it to improve your game.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Are You in Search of the Best Putting Technique?

Golfers around the world use so many different techniques for putting. In fact, there are several tactics that golfers swear by during putting, and for some, these tricks work like magic. But for both amateur and pro golfers, putting is often a very difficult process indeed.
Add to this the fact that once putting is supposedly perfected, one can excel in golf. There are as many putting strokes as there are golfers, but only certain strokes achieve the desired goal. For example, hundreds of golfers around the world close their eyes while putting; many others concentrate on the hole they're aiming at, rather than the ball.
There are certain basic tips of putting that all golfers should remember, so read on for three very important ones to remember. If you can master these, no one can stop you from becoming an expert!
1. The first technique to master is how the gripping technique. To improve on putting, you'll have to practice two grips, the first being the conventional or normal one, and the second being the cross handed grip. In the latter gripping position, your left hand is to be kept below the right, which keeps your wrists tight and strong when you hit the shot. This position also helps the stroke by keeping the club face square.
2. The second important technique to concentrate on is the line along which you hit the stroke. The right stroke that qualifies for successful putting is when it is hit along a straight line and at a smooth angle. There are two ways whereby you could improve on your line. The first is preferred by most golfers, and says that during the hit, the club face must be positioned at a square angle from the line. The second way to improve your putt is by hitting a closed stroke instead of an open one. For those golfers who prefer the cross handed stroke to the normal one, keeping the club face square is the technique that will suit them.
3. Being a golfer means having to stand in the arena all day, and therefore a lot depends on how well you are able to understand the environment you're in. many golfers have good stroke sense, but lose out owing to their inability to assess the greens. While putting, the trick is to gauge the distance your shot has to cover in order to get to the highest point. Missed putts also occur when golfers don't play break shots.
4. To start off, begin your practice with 4-footer putts, till you get the hang of it. Besides helping you get the perfect shot, this will also make you comfortable when you're out to hit those big shots.
Putting is difficult, there's no doubt about that. It pays to practice hitting with the sweet spot on your club, which is the middle of the club; rather than calculating what shot will get you where. Concentration and patience will definitely get you the best shot; hit right through the sweet spot on your club to just the point you want it to.

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

A Golf Swing Trainer - Review of Golf Training Equipment

In this article I look at the many golf swing trainers on the market and assess their value to building a repeating, consistent swing. The goal of a golf swing trainer is to allow the golfer build a repeating swing that will stand up under pressure and improve the consistency in your game as a result. The goal of a golf swing trainer is to allow the golfer build a repeating swing that will stand up under pressure and improve the consistency in your game as a result.
Golf training equipment comes in all shapes and sizes and one of the most popular is the swing plane trainer. This is essentially a metal frame which describes the arc that your club should travel on in the swing.
The aim is to build up muscle memory of swinging the club on the correct plane in both the back swing and through swing and whilst it is expensive it is a hugely beneficial training aid.
A simpler golf swing trainer is the hinged club..this is a regular club with a hinge in the shaft which will allow you to swing properly if you swing on the correct plane. If you don't do so then the club shaft will hinge and break.
There are many other golf swing trainers on the market which have incorporated modern technology like golf swing analysis software, DVD and video analysis. But many times the use of the old fashioned impact bag and the weighted club can be just as beneficial.
It is difficult to describe in a short article such as this the myriad golf swing trainers on the market but if you are serious about improving your swing and your scores then you should consider investigating what is available on the market.